OpenSprinkler Forums OpenSprinkler Unified Firmware Seconds are jumping back

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  • #36901


    Dear Support,

    I bulit a 2.2HW wersion, and uploaded the 2.1.3 Fw. I thought it works well, but today I saw, the name of the day is still Wed. I checked in the browser, and I was suprised, because the seconds are going up normally, and 3-5 seconds later jumping back 3-4 seconds.

    Somebody can help me?



    This is likely an issue with the real-time clock or its battery. You should check if the CR1220 battery is installed correctly, and check if it has sufficient voltage (at least 2.7V or above).



    Thanks, Ray, I will check it today.



    So, the battery is good, I changed the oscillator, but the result was same. I will buy a new DS1307…….

    How can I check the working of the DS1307?



    Just to make sure: the battery holder is soldered at the correct orientation, right? Also, I forgot to ask you: did you check the time displayed on the LCD screen, and is that time also stuck at Wed?



    Hmm. .. the battery holder is in the correct orientation. the displayed time is the same, as in the website. I found something:

    If I remove the eeprom, the problem is solved. I checked the Fw: 2.2HW and 2.1.3FW.

    I use this eep:

    Maybe the eep is wrong???? Ireplaced the EEP, but the result was the same. If I don’t use it, it works well.


    What’s happening, if I skip the eep?




    Just to make sure I understand: did you build the circuit yourself, or did you buy a DIY kit from us? The part we used is 24AA02E48 — a small SOT23-5 part. We call it the MAC address chip, because it has pre-flashed globally unique MAC address. But you are right that it is an EEPROM.

    If removing the EEPROM works, you can just leave it off. The only purpose of this EEPROM is to provide a real MAC address. The firmware is designed such that if this chip doesn’t exist, it will use software defined MAC.



    Dear Ray. I bulit the circuit by myself. Good news for me, that you read. I leave the eeprom.

    Thanks the support, zipp…

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OpenSprinkler Forums OpenSprinkler Unified Firmware Seconds are jumping back