OpenSprinkler Forums OpenSprinkler Unified Firmware Some pages not loading; min. router speed?

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    I am having trouble with pages loading. Sometimes I can only use manual control and rain delay, while at other times I can open all but the program edit page. Seems to be a connection issue. I am setting up an isolated WLAN just for the sprinkler system. It works fine if I take the controller back to the house and use it on my house LAN, but as soon as I plug into a separate router (newgear 150Mbps) and I have connection troubles… I have never been able to edit programs in the isolated LAN (only on my home LAN). Ideas? is this router simply too slow?

    (UPDATE): Full access via iPhone just started working (unknown why), but my laptop still can’t load several OS web pages.



    If the mobile app works and the normal OpenSprinkler html webpage doesn’t, it’s likely due to a connection issue to the Internet. The html webpage references Javascripts stored on server, so whatever browser you are using to browse the page needs to be able to access the Internet. The mobile app has these Javascripts embedded and thus does not need to reference external links.

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OpenSprinkler Forums OpenSprinkler Unified Firmware Some pages not loading; min. router speed?