My apologies if this has been addressed already but I didn’t see an answer to this aspect..
I know that the recommended way of assigning an IP is via MAC reservation from the DHCP server, but my router sucks and doesn’t work reliably with that for some reason. So, I have a static IP…, GW is Pretty standard.
I noticed that my Weather Diagnostics shows Last Weather Call as 1-1-1970 (min date for short dates) any my Zimmerman percentage is not changing ever.
I was wondering on a static IP, what server the OS uses for DNS queries… or is everything done via IP address directly?
My Wunderground account shows requests each day and the key validates (green) in the setup screen.
I guess Im just confused why OpenSprinkler is not updating my Percentange each day? It is just sitting at 20% (what I had it at before setting up Wunderground and Zimmerman).
thanks…. OH Yeah… the important stuff…. DIY Kit – Hardware 2.2, Firmware 2.1.4 (not the most recent one from two weeks ago).