OpenSprinkler Forums Hardware Questions OpenSprinkler Pi (OSPi) Sunset Times correct in weather, but not in programs

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  • #38447


    I am running the latest OSPI firmware, 2.1.5. I have two programs set to run on alternating days at sunset. The weather shows sunset at 21:05, but the program previews are starting at 16:30. I have tried rebooting, and changed weather stations from a PWS to the local airport, KPNM, Princeton, MN. Ospi, is also showing the correct local time. Is the ospi supposed to get the sunset time from the weather data, or am I supposed to enter the offset myself, in the offset option?

    Another, unrelated? question: I don’t understand the Odd/Even days restriction. On my old irritrol controller, I could set programs to run on either odd or even days. I have tried selecting odd/even restrictions, but then the programs never run?



    The preview bug you are describing is known and has been fixed but not released yet. This will be fixed in app version 1.4.5. Just know the firmware will use the correct time and the bug is only in the UI.

    The odd/even restriction means don’t water on an even day or don’t water on an odd day. This sounds like it’s the opposite of what the Irritol did.



    Ok. Thanks. I’ll have to play a little more😁

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OpenSprinkler Forums Hardware Questions OpenSprinkler Pi (OSPi) Sunset Times correct in weather, but not in programs