OpenSprinkler Forums Comments, Suggestions, Requests Texting a rain delay to my sprinkler

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    With my opensprinkler setup at my old house (it was included in the house and sold with it, since the buyer thought that the smartphone operation of the sprinkler was cool) I often found myself at work thinking that I wished I had manually set a rain delay.  It didn’t look like rain, but then I found myself looking at the parking lot, and watching it rain.  It would be cool to have the system send me a text when it did water, to remind me that its going… and also be able to recieve a text or an e-mail to cancel watering.

    Are either of these possible ?  I realize that it has no phone number to text to, but is there a way to communicate with it via e-mail ?  It would be cool to get an e-mail that said “hey owner, about to water the yard.. Y/N” and be able to reply to cancel it.


    My new house has a huge backyard and I may not want to run the sprinklers much at all.

    FWIW, I did not have any DMZ setup on my router or anything of that sort.  No weather API either, for that matter.





    Ideally for rain using weather adjustments or a rain sensor can avoid the need to having to intervene.

    Currently, if you port forward the HTTP port (default is 80) for the OpenSprinkler, you can access it outside of the home network by using the external IP ( Having the app gives you complete control on your mobile device without having to use email or SMS. In the future, this will be possible without port forwarding.

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OpenSprinkler Forums Comments, Suggestions, Requests Texting a rain delay to my sprinkler