OpenSprinkler Forums OpenSprinkler Unified Firmware Timing based on sunrise

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    I wanted to set my sprinklers to run for 30 minutes about an hour or so before sunrise. As you can see from the weather information, on June 26, the sunrise should be 5:41 AM. I programmed the sprinkler to start 2 hours before sunrise. I then go to look at the program preview for Friday and see that it thinks that sunrise is a couple minutes after 7:20 AM so it will start at 5:22ish. Why is the sunrise time off by an hour and 40 minutes? Is it getting sunrise time from somewhere other than the Weather Underground site?



    Recently a bug was discovered in the program preview of the application that is incorrectly rendering sunrise and sunset based programs. This is only a UI issue and not a firmware issue meaning it will function correctly.

    This will be fixed in the next app update due very soon.

    Thank you!



    I just want to make sure I understand this correctly. I want the sprinklers to come on one hour before sunrise on Friday. Weather Underground reports that sunrise on Friday is at 5:41 AM. If I program the sprinklers to turn on 1 hour before sunrise and run for 30 minutes, the sprinklers should turn on at 4:41 AM and turn off at 5:11 AM? When I change the program to that, the program preview currently shows that will start at ~6:22 AM and turn off at ~6:52 AM, but that is wrong? Soon this should be a moot point and it will show the correct time in the program preview?



    Yes, the bug in the code is actually available here:

    Basically, the wrong parameter was being passed as the date to the function that calculates the sun rise/set times. This results in quite a bit of error and randomness. That randomness somehow worked in my local example and slipped through. This should be released today.




    Dear Developer,

    I was google for this problem and found this topic… It seems this function is still buggy. I was set to start the first valve at sunrise but somehow it handles fixed 6:02 time as sunrise. If I check the weather forecast page of Opensprinkler, it shows the sunrise is at 6:02 today, and tmorrow 6:44, a day after 6:46 and 6:47… It was the same yesterday, the today showed 6:02 but the following days were correct. I was waiting a day to see if this get’s back to normal by the next day, but it seems stucked.
    App version: 1.7.1
    Firmware version: 2.1.7
    Hardware version 2.3 DC
    Waiting for your ideas / instructions.
    Best regards,



    One more to mention:
    The schedule overview shoes the times it should run (based on the correct sunrise time), but the valve opening is started based on the fixed 6:02 time.



    If the sunrise time doesn’t change, that generally means the controller is not getting weather data. This can be due to a variety of reasons, such as if you have set up firewall that blocks incoming traffic to opensprinkler. One thing to check is the weather diagnostics: on your device homepage, swipe left to right (or click on the top-left corner icon) to bring out the left-side menu, then click ‘Weather Diagnostics’, You should see a ‘Last Successful Weather Call’ time stamp. Is that fairly recent? If not, that means it’s not getting weather data (which includes sunrise time).



    Dear Ray,

    Sorry at first I uploaded wrong pictures… added the correct ones as well.
    Thank you for your answer. Unfortunately this isn’t the reason. As you can see the added pictures, There is fresh wether data, also the weather forecast page is updated and all following days always shows correct sunrise time while the today is always stucked to 6:02. It is in hungarian language but I believe you will see the fact.

    Other clue to check?
    Thank you!

    Best regards,

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OpenSprinkler Forums OpenSprinkler Unified Firmware Timing based on sunrise