OpenSprinkler Forums Hardware Questions OpenSprinkler Troubleshooting help: One valve doesn't trigger the first time

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    I set up OpenSprinkler recently and am really happy with it. But there’s one issue that keeps popping up – I have one valve, for the lawn, that doesn’t always trigger the first time. If I start it manually, I can see on the OLED that it’s been turned on, but it doesn’t turn on. I then have to start it again in the app, and that will make it run.

    This means that it doesn’t get triggered when all the others do as part of the regular program every morning.

    Any ideas on how to troubleshoot this?




    Hi Jeff,

    The first thing I’d do is to try to narrow the problem down to the valve and its wiring or the OpenSprinkler. The way I’d do that is to swap the wiring for the lawn valve to a different spot on the OpenSprinkler and then try to turn the lawn valve on and then the other valve that you swapped it with. If the problem follows the lawn valve, you might have a valve in need of replacement or a problem with the wiring to the lawn valve. If the problem stays with the lawn valve’s original spot on the OpenSprinkler, you might have a problem with the OpenSprinkler.




    Thanks for the tip, I gave that a try. I moved the connection from the valve to a different spot on OpenSprinkler and it worked.

    I think the problem might be with the valve – if it sits for awhile without being activated, it needs to be triggered a couple of times to start. Then it works right for the rest of the day when I test it. If I let it sit overnight then it has the problem again. I think there may be some debris stuck in it.

    It turns out there are lots of YouTube videos on how to repair and flush your sprinkler valves, I’ll give that a try next.




    Also it would help if you specify which version of OpenSprinkler you have. In particular, the AC-powered and DC-powered OpenSprinklers use different circuits and valves may respond differently to the two versions.

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OpenSprinkler Forums Hardware Questions OpenSprinkler Troubleshooting help: One valve doesn't trigger the first time