OpenSprinkler Forums OpenSprinkler Unified Firmware Unable to recognize expansion unit


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    I have an Open Sprinkler that I’ve been using for a couple years, and it has been great. I originally purchased an expansion unit to run the front yard, and have not attempted to hook up the expansion unit until now — I have the house for sale. I am not at that house currently, but believe it is running 2.15 – one version back on the firmware.

    It does not seem to recognize the extra stations, and I can’t find anywhere in the local or web app to setup particular stations and ‘enable’ them. When I boot up the device, I do see on the LCD that I have enabled one expansion card. Once upon a time, I had named the zones before I upgraded to the ‘newer style’ firmware. Last week when I was messing with this, I did see those names referenced somewhere in the firmwware, but could not enable them on the list of stations, nor could I change the name.

    Any guidance you can provide is greatly appreciated.




    Check ‘Edit Options’ -> ‘Station Handling’ What does it say under Number of Stations on the left?
    If it says 8, then select the number of stations you want to use in the pull down on the right. To use all stations, base and expansion, select 24. Stations can also be individually enabled/disabled by clicking the gear on any station. There are a variety of settings in this box.



    Hi, I already have this set to 16. Any other ideas?

    The issue is the stations never show up.



    What happens if you click ‘Show Disabled’ at the bottom of the right side menu?



    Ok, so I found that concurrent to your posting. Thanks for the idea. I could then click the grayed out gear and enable the station. I wouldn’t have noticed this without staring at the gui for quite a while. Perhaps they should put that option ON the page where you are viewing the stations! Thanks again for the help.

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OpenSprinkler Forums OpenSprinkler Unified Firmware Unable to recognize expansion unit