Ray is aware of the issue and is actively looking for alternatives. He posted about it a couple of days ago but it was a sudden unexpected change so no timescale.
Yes we are aware of the issue and have been working to switch weather data provider (to openweathermap). Samer has finished the coding part and we are doing final testing. Should be done in a few days.
Maybe just another possibility – netatmo.com has a widely used API infrastructure – as you also can buy weather stuff it is a cool thing to use.
It’s actual free and has a good coverage – a lot like wunderground. https://dev.netatmo.com/en-US/resources/technical/introduction
@smgustafson: the update is already done — this does not require any firmware update, it’s just a change on the opensprinkler weather server. We’ve updated the weather script to automatically use OWM API if no WU key is provided, and WU API if the key is provided.