Hello, we’re having serious issues with weather adjustments since switching to OpenWeatherMap.
Previously, we had set to retrieve weather from our station at WeatherUnderground. So, until last weekend (when I realized what was going on), OpenSprinkler was watering 100%, even on days where we had multiple inches of rain.
Now after last weekend, when I updated my location for the weather, I’m getting 0% and have to manually water every day now. (Oddly enough, one station runs each day, which is not set to ignore rain.)
We even started sending our PWS data to OpenWeatherMap, but I can’t seem to even find our weather data there. So, no idea what is going on, but we need help ASAP.
Also, when loading the OpenSprinkler webpage (which is proxied through Apache with SSL), it won’t retrieve the weather from the insecure http://weather.opensprinkler.com/ URL. Can this be changed to access through https so that the browsers will stop blocking?