A very rookie question here from someone who is trying to better understand the engineering of the OS 2.3, which I have been using and updating for years now.
I noticed through the years that when I update the firmware, sometimes also the web app gets updated.
Then there is the mobile App, which I downloaded from the Android market, and that supposedly gets updated from there as any other app from the market. The two apps, the mobile version and the web one that I see when I point the browser directly to my OS device, look identical, so I wonder: where is the web app hosted? Is it hosted inside the device, which means it must be packaged with the firmware and updated with it, or is it hosted in some server, which means every new firmware must have some change that point to the new app version if there is one?
Sorry for the very rookie question, I am just trying to understand how the device is engineered in terms of frontend/backend