OpenSprinkler Forums Hardware Questions wiring a raspberry pi and 8 port relay station

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    I have the software part configured on my Raspberry pi model B with two 4 port relay modules. Now time to swap out my Hunter controller with this one. I’ve attached a pic of the existing wiring and you can see there’s a rain sensor wire and several wires going to the DC 24v ports! Also, there’s a master valve as well. The zone wiring is straight forward but what do I do with the other wires?
    ->Rain sensor
    ->Master valve




    It’s hard to tell from the picture which are the wires that go to the 24VAC port. The transformer wires should go there at least. Then the rain sensor may be a type that’s powered by 24VAC (especially if you have a wireless rain sensor). Again, from the picture it’s kind of hard to tell, but you can use a multimeter and its conductivity measurement to figure out which wire goes where.



    Hi Ray,
    I was actually trying to understand the mapping of these wiring to my diy R-Pi. So I connected all the zone wires to the relay ports (3rd port on each relay module). From the pic on the post above, you can clearly see that 2 white wires going to one of the 24V ports and a red+white wire goes to the other 24V port. I took the 2 white wire and plugged in on the middle port of a relay module, wired the red+white to the C wire. Tried to fire off that port but didn’t work. How do I wire the power onto the relay module?

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OpenSprinkler Forums Hardware Questions wiring a raspberry pi and 8 port relay station