OpenSprinkler Forums OpenSprinkler Unified Firmware WUnderground diagnostics

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    Tonight when I checked the diagnostics, everything shows no number or zeros except the current % watering is 100%, is this normal?

    I am sure that last week when I checked it it showed numbers in everything, we had rain but the watering was still 100%.



    What is the location you are using? Is it a personal weather station or zipcode, etc?

    It is not normal however I can tell you if you are seeing the popup that means all error checks passed. I check to make sure no API key failure occurred, make sure historical data is returned (for yesterday) and also check today’s summary is available. The fact that it’s telling me all of those are available allows me to proceed to the popup (otherwise the app would show an error message). Therefore, right now I believe the issue is with WUnderground. Let me know your location and I can look into the API response and hopefully identify the issue.



    I am using a zip code, 92410

    I am not sure what you are asking for “historical data”. If you mean the log, it shows data for the past week, preview programs does show what will run today.

    When I am in edit options and go to the Wunderground key, if I click “verify” the bar turns green.




    it is working fine today, it must have been as you said a glitch with Wunderground. Thanks for looking into it.



    For anyone following this thread;

    The problem reoccurred because I was using a port other than “80” so the weather data could not be downloaded properly. There is another thread discussing this. Ray found a bug and is working on a firmware fix.



    Just an update on this thread: firmware 2.1.1 is released and it has fixed the HTTP port issue (specifically, the issue where the controller fails to call weather script when HTTP port is not 80).



    Thanks Ray, I downloaded it a few days back, works great. Is the port limit to 255 a hardware issue?



    Where are you seeing the 255 port limit? If anything, it sounds like a software issue (unsigned byte) but Ray uses two bytes to store the HTTP port and there shouldn’t be a 255 limit.



    At the controller I change the http port, default is 80. The “+” button runs it to 255 then stops.



    Actually it’s a glitch in the firmware — it’s supposed to disable changing port number on the controller using buttons. The recommended way to change HTTP port is to use the web interface, not on the controller. For one, you will have to press the button for a long time if you want to change it to, say, 8080. Any reason why not set the port number using the web interface?



    I didn’t see the option, checking now.


    I was sure I had tried the “advanced” tab before, never saw it. A much easier way to set it.

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OpenSprinkler Forums OpenSprinkler Unified Firmware WUnderground diagnostics