OpenSprinkler Forums OpenSprinkler Mobile and Web App Zimmerman – current water level too high? 112% with 2 inches of rain today

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    Does anyone know why my current watering level is being set to 112% even though I received 2.09 inches of rain today?

    Weather Diagnostics
    Min Humidity: 23%
    Max Humidity: 52%
    Mean Temp 76.9F
    Precip Yesterday: 0.00″
    Precip Today 2.09″
    Adjustment Method: Zimmerman
    Current % Watering: 112%



    This is likely due to the controller caching the DNS result for the weather service. Try rebooting and seeing if the scale adjusts. We are addressing this in the next firmware update.

    Thank you!



    That did the trick! 0% now

    Thanks for your quick response and for doing what you do. Glad it is a known issue. Was going through the calculation manually and was pretty sure there was no way it should be turning my sprinklers on tonight.

    In case it helps anyone else this page contains calculation information



    We use Amazon Elastic Beanstalk which provides a load balancer and also changes EC2 instances on each code update. This was resulting in IP changes and because the controller is caching the DNS result indefinitely this was leading to all the issues we were experiencing with values not updated. We added an indirect fix to microcontroller version which would reboot it when the weather query was not updated in 24 hours (we didn’t know the issue but knew the “fix”). We didn’t add this to the Pi as it may be doing other tasks or might need user intervention to reboot.

    Next version will do a DNS lookup per weather query (1 hour) and let the local router cache the DNS (as it normally does).



    Vincent Salgado

    My Current% watering is always 62% – it seemed to work when I set it up, but it never changes any more, even though it has been hot and has not rained for a week. These are the current values:
    Min. Humidity 32%
    Max Humidity 96%
    Mean Temp 85 degrees F
    Precip Yesterday 0″
    Precip Today 0″
    Adjstment Method Zimmerman
    Current % watering 62%
    Last Weather Call Thr, 06 Aug 205 07:18:58
    Last Successful Weather Call —

    I rebooted the unit but did not help. it looks like it is not getting a successful weather call. When I click on Verify Wunderground key it greys out the button for a couple of seconds and then it goes back to normal, with no message, so I/m not sure what the result was.


    Vincent Salgado

    Well, it looks like my controller is getting the weather update, despite showing — for Last Successful Weather Call. We had rain today. My weather station read 1.13″ and the controller weather diagnostics shows 1.69″. I’m not sure why they are not the same, but at least it changed. These are the current values:

    Min. Humidity 33%
    Max Humidity 93%
    Mean Temp 85 degrees F
    Precip Yesterday 0″
    Precip Today 1.69″
    Adjstment Method Zimmerman
    Current % watering 62%
    Last Weather Call Thr, 06 Aug 2015 22:50:00
    Last Successful Weather Call —

    Current % Watering is still 62%, like always.

    Any ideas?



    The verify button for the API key simply turns green for good and red for bad.

    If the last successful call reads “–” then the controller has not successfully seen a weather reply. The weather data shown in the app is directly retrieved by the app.

    What is the location you are using?

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OpenSprinkler Forums OpenSprinkler Mobile and Web App Zimmerman – current water level too high? 112% with 2 inches of rain today