OpenSprinkler Forums OpenSprinkler Unified Firmware Zimmerman water adjustment questions…

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  • #78317


    I’ve set my OpenSprinkler Pi (App Version: 2.3.3; Firmware: 2.1.7; Hardware Version: OSPi – AC) to utilize Zimmerman weather adjustments. I’ve watched it adjust watering % for a few months, and so far it seems to be doing a good job. That said, I have a few questions about it. Hopefully someone can answer these…

    * When is the adjusted water % calculated? Just before a program begins? Regularly at a particular time of the day (e.g., midnight)?
    * When the calculation is run, at that point, I assume you retrieve the input parameters used in the calculation, for Zimmerman, specifically, the prior day’s avg temp, avg relative humidity, and total precip amount…
    * Do these “prior day” parameters come from the prior calendar day or from the 24 hours just prior to the retrieval?
    * Are these input parameters logged anywhere so I can see them and understand better how each contributed to the overall adjusted water %?
    * Is it possible for me to retrieve the adjusted water % from the opensprinkler.pi from another raspberry pi I have running in my home? I’d like to store that information to better monitor it against actual weather conditions.

    Thanks in advance,

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OpenSprinkler Forums OpenSprinkler Unified Firmware Zimmerman water adjustment questions…