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  • in reply to: Add i2c station to ospi #62357


    I am trying to modify the firmware and to simplify the process I want to add some unexisting gpio’s to the program and set a condition when the station as that gpio instead of setting that pin there will be a system() command specific to the megaio board. My problem now is that I add some more gpio’s to defines.h and they don’t appear in the available pin numbers in the UI after I recompile the unified-firmware.

    in reply to: Relais are inverse #62283


    I think so, but I gitclone directly to my raspberry pi according to this instructions “”, modify the “OpenSprinkler.cpp” on the “OpenSprinkler-Firmware” directory on the raspberry pi and rebuild with “sudo ./ ospi”

    in reply to: Relais are inverse #62222


    I connected a 74HC595N to a raspberry pi and I had the same problem, by default all relais are on. To solve the problem
    I edit OpenSprinkler.cpp on the OpenSprinkler-firmware directory and in the function “OpenSprinkler::apply_all_station_bits()” at line 1079 add a “~” like this: “digitalWrite(pin_sr_data, (~sbits & ((byte)1<<(7-s))) ? HIGH : LOW );” and recompile the firmware.

    in reply to: Add i2c station to ospi #62202


    I didn’t explain correctly, I don’t have opensprinkler pi hardware, I only have a raspberry pi running the ospi firmware connected to relay cards, using gpio. I need 25 stations and I can use only 18 GPIO’s. I have a “Mega-IO card” ( witch is stackable on raspberry pi and responds to I2C commands. Is it possible to give I2C commands from opensprinkler pi firmware as i think you do in Esp8266 based opensprinkler? Or can I use linux command line instruction inside opensprinkler firmware, as the card have is own software that responds to linux commands like for example “megaio 0 rwrite 1 1”? Can I use HTML type stations to give a linux command?

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