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  • in reply to: Open-Meteo API #73022


    Dark Sky will still be available for $99/year and will allow 500,000 queries per month at that price. See is a drop-in replacement for the Dark Sky API and uses NOAA data provided by AWS’s open data program ( It includes NOAA High Resolution Rapid Refresh (HRRR) data, which provides 15-minute forecasts out to 48 hours for the continental US, southern Canada, and northern Mexico in 3 km increments. (GFS, with 18 km resolution, is used for the rest of the world.) Precipitation probabilities are computed using the Global Ensemble Forecast System (GEFS). By running different variations parameters and inputs, 30 different versions of this model are run at the same time, providing 3-hour forecasts out to 240 hours. Since this is a 30-member ensemble, if 1 member predicts precipitation, the precipitation probability will be 1/30. (You can use to see the data on the web.)

    in reply to: Controller lockups / crashes with wired Ethernet module #73023


    I just ordered a new OpenSprinkler (with wired ethernet adapter) yesterday, because my old OpenSprinkler 2.3 (which uses wired Ethernet) has started to behave strangely. Now I’m wondering if the new hardware will also have issues!

    I upgraded to 2.1.9(9) a month or so ago in hopes of the new Ethernet library helping, but no luck. I also added the special “auto reboot” schedule to reboot OS every morning at 1am, but even with that, my OS would 1) become unreachable via the API (but still pingable), 2) respond to API requests with {"result":2} (indicating the password was wrong, even though it’s always been the default), or 3) lock up completely and miss waterings.

    I thought I solved the “unauthorized” issue by setting “Ignore Password” in the Advanced options, but I still run in to the other issues.

    With the heat of the summer water months ahead, I need a reliable watering system. Will your special fixed version based of 2.1.9(7) run on OS 2.3 hardware?

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