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  • in reply to: OpenSprinkler Unified Firmware 2.1.9(9) released #72064


    Hi Ray,
    I think this helps me to understand what you mean:

    Best regards,

    in reply to: OpenSprinkler Unified Firmware 2.1.9(9) released #72063


    Hi Ray,
    Thanks for the explanation but I still don’t fully understand what UI/app changes means. Does this mean changes only to Android App?

    Best regards,

    in reply to: Auto-calculating the Repeat Every Interval #72062


    Hello Ray,
    Did you add support for repeating start times that go over to the next day.

    Best regards,

    in reply to: OpenSprinkler Unified Firmware 2.1.9(9) released #72056


    Hi Ray,
    Just to clarify something. Your announcement of issuing 2.1.9(9) was on August 22, 2021 at 6:36 pm (the first post). In the same post you say: * Allows program’s interval day to be as small as 1 (previously the minimum is 2). This is NOT fully available yet because it still requires UI/app changes to go with it, which we will complete in a few days.
    After that there is no new release of the firmware and that is why I am wondering whether changes were implemented in UI.

    in reply to: OpenSprinkler Unified Firmware 2.1.9(9) released #72021


    Hi Ray,
    In your first post you have stated that: … This is NOT fully available yet because it still requires UI/app changes to go with it, which we will complete in a few days.

    Did you integrate these changes?

    Best regards,

    in reply to: Reordering stations within a program #71240


    +++ for reordering
    +++ for making two or more stations to work simultaneously in ONE program.

    in reply to: Auto-calculating the Repeat Every Interval #70728


    I’ve just set Demo on your site to recreate this situation. And it is the same as at my place.

    Best regards,

    in reply to: Auto-calculating the Repeat Every Interval #70727


    Hello Ray,
    I am testing with Repeat Count = 1. Firmware I am using is the latest – os_219_rev8.bin. It was the same with rev7.

    Best regards,

    in reply to: Auto-calculating the Repeat Every Interval #70658


    I am a little bit confused with repeat function. If I set 5 zones in sequential mode, 20-20-20-10-10 minutes, repeated 1 time in 40 minutes interval and start in 19:30h I can see in Ppreview Programs all zones ordered as expected. If I change the start time to 23:00h then 1st repeat is as expected but then only zones 1 and 2 are repeated.

    Can somebody tell me what is happening.

    Best regards,

    in reply to: Two stations working in parallel #70629


    Hi lordshandyman,
    My current controller is DIY (designed by me – not commercial and not targeted to be). It was designed 8-9 years ago and it is based on Microchip MCU and Microchip TCP/IP Stack. It is still working but I stopped to deal with it as I don’t have time to develop new features. I want to change it with one that have Home Assistant support and wireless connectivity. Actually it is a part of a module based DIY automation system using CAN bus. Modules are connected to WEB server (Microchip TCP/IP stack based) using CAN bus. I have started changing all my modules with Home Assistant compatible devices. And my irrigation controller is one of the two modules left to be changed.
    I saw OS has Home Assistant support and I want to migrate to it. Stations working in parallel in a flexible way is one thing that I want to have as well Tipping bucket support.

    Best regards,

    in reply to: Two stations working in parallel #70626


    Hi lordshandyman,
    Just want to add something to my example. I can set s4 to work with s2. It looks like it is the same but using the above example my current irrigation controller will act as follows – s1, s3, s4 in parallel with s2, s5.

    Best regards,

    in reply to: Two stations working in parallel #70625


    Hi lordshandyman,
    Yes, this obviously can be a partial workaround but it is not flexible. Changing wiring is far from flexible. About other suggestion… not good too. What if you want station 2 to work in parallel with station 4 – then the only solution will be changing wiring…
    My current irrigation controller can handle this. I can set any station to work with any other in parallel and act as 1 station (for example s2 with s4, in this case the order of irrigating in case of 5 stations will be s1, s2 and s4 in parallel, s3, s5). And I don’t have to change wiring.
    One more thing I miss in OS is support of tipping bucket sensor. May be I am not right but at first look I don’t see such a support.

    Best regards,

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