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  • in reply to: OpenSprinkler Firmware 2.1.0-beta (Major Upgrade!) #34068


    Ok I took the plunge and upgraded to the beta firmware.  This indeed breaks the MiCasaVerde Vera plugin.

    In this thread from an earlier firmware it suggested changing syntax:

    They do however moving forward you should try to use http://ipaddr/jc, /jo, /jn, and /jp. These are more resilient methods since the syntax is reliable versus the homepage being variable.


    Where can I find out what each of these means?  /jo, /jn etc?


    Basically a doc that shows the old API via URLs, variables and the new preferred way with version 2.10 forward?




    in reply to: OpenSprinkler Firmware 2.1.0-beta (Major Upgrade!) #34066


    I use the MCV Vera to integrate with Open Sprinkler. It looks for certain fields in the HTML. For example, with 2.0.9 it shows all of these variables. I just rt click and say “view source” on the first web page.

    var snames=;var ver=207,devt=1409135560;
    var nbrd=1,tz=32,sbits=[0,0];var ps=0,0],[0,0],[0,0],[0,0],[0,0],[0,0],[0,0],[0,0],[0,0;
    var en=1,rd=0,rs=0,mm=0,rdst=0,mas=0,urs=1,wl=100,ipas=0,loc=”ZIP”;
    var lrun=[6,1,600,1409033431]

    Can somebody confirm these also exist with the 2.1.0 UI?

    in reply to: OpenSprinkler (not OSPI!) Firmware 2.0.8 Released #27958


    @salbahra wrote:

    Sorry for the confusion however presently the email configuration is for your personal reference however currently you cannot import the email contents. This will be added soon however right now the backup currently gets saved to the browser’s storage and gets restored from there as well (the larger export button to the left of the small icon for email).

    ok. So I power cycled my open sprinkler and from one machine it still showed Boston and no sprinkler names, but now from another it shows my correct city and the name for sprinkler 1 (but no others).

    Is this normal?

    in reply to: OpenSprinkler (not OSPI!) Firmware 2.0.8 Released #27956


    I did the backup, emailed it to myself but I can’t get it to restore at all. I have restored and restarted it via the browser but it still shows no station names and the location of Boston etc.

    in reply to: OpenSprinkler (not OSPI!) Firmware 2.0.8 Released #27951


    I use the MCV Vera to integrate with Open Sprinkler. It looks for certain fields in the HTML. For example, with 2.0.7 it shows all of these variables. I just rt click and say “view source” on the first web page.

    var snames=;var ver=207,devt=1409135560;
    var nbrd=1,tz=32,sbits=[0,0];var ps=0,0],[0,0],[0,0],[0,0],[0,0],[0,0],[0,0],[0,0],[0,0;
    var en=1,rd=0,rs=0,mm=0,rdst=0,mas=0,urs=1,wl=100,ipas=0,loc="ZIP";
    var lrun=[6,1,600,1409033431]

    Can somebody confirm these also exist with the 2.0.8 UI?

    in reply to: Android, Blackberry, iOS, and Windows Phone 8 Apps #26266


    @salbahra wrote:

    Thank you!

    The update has already been approved by Microsoft and should be available within a few hours. The version is numbered 1.1.3.

    And I can confirm this now works.

    Thanks for the quick turnaround.

    in reply to: Android, Blackberry, iOS, and Windows Phone 8 Apps #26264


    @salbahra wrote:

    I am not aware of this issue however I will look into it. Any specific error? Does the toggle jump back to off? Thanks.

    Update: I think Windows Phone is caching the AJAX replies (no idea why any browser would cache AJAX). This is something Android 2.3 did however the same fix doesn’t apply to Windows Phone. I will try a few solutions and once one sticks I will push out a fix. Thanks for the report!

    Update 2: I believe I found the solution and will be posting the fix soon.



    That is what I call prompt! Standing by for an update from the app store.

    Thank you for the work you do on this.

    in reply to: Android, Blackberry, iOS, and Windows Phone 8 Apps #26259


    I am unable to place the sprinkler into Manual mode with the Sprinklers app for Windows Phone. Is anybody else seeing this?

    in reply to: Interval 2 program issues #27300


    I just got my OSPi (Actually it is still in the mail but I am playing with the software on my Raspberry Pi). I got this to work with my MCV Vera.

    MCV Vera calls the main URL and looks for a HTTP 200 response and certain variables in the HTML.

    With the 1.8.3 version of the Interval software it works and returns this. It is looking for the tz, en, rd etc variables and then the var snames.

    var baseurl=""
    var ver=183,devt=1404902848;
    var sd = {
    nbrd : 1,
    tz : 28,
    en : 1,
    rd : 3,
    mm : 0,
    rdst : 1404913633,
    mas : 0,
    urs : 1,
    rs : 1,
    wl : 100,
    ipas : 0,
    nopts : 13,
    loc : '22310',
    name : 'OpenSprinkler Pi',
    ir : [0]

    var sbits=[0,0],ps=0,0],[0,0],[0,0],[0,0],[0,0],[0,0],[0,0],[0,0;
    var lrun=[0,0,0,0];
    var snames=;
    var tempunit="C";
    var cputemp=47.6; var tempunit="C";

    The 2.0.1 version of interval returns a 303 redirect code then a 200 but it only shows this:

    // Variables set by
    var devt = 1404922267*1000;
    var tz = 48;
    var timeFormat = 1;
    var cputemp = "44.4";
    var tempunit = "C";


    Any ideas where to start? Does Interval 2 keep the same variable names it just doesn’t show them in the HTML? Would it be pretty simple to add in some HTML to have those variables appear?

    in reply to: There is option to connect rain sensor ? #27232


    I have reviewed the photos and video of the Pi model but do not see where the rain sensor connects.

    Are the photos old? Or did I just not see it? Or have I mis-understood this thread?

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