Forum Replies Created
sean1Participant@Ray: Thanks Ray, I am Running Firmware 2.1.6 App Version 1.4.8 and hardware 2.3 AC.
The controller is on a wired connection, using DHCP.
Is there anyway to extract/keep a log of the interaction with the weather station? Perhaps we can work out where it falls down. As I said it had worked without issue for a few weeks.
I am experiencing issues with the Zimmerman calculation again. after working fine for a while, I now get a calculated water level of 0% as against an expected 74%.
I have selected IGAUTENG163. The Option Tab shows location as “Blairgowrie, Gaunteng” and it is green.
The weather diagnostics shows Min H = 12%, Max H =82%, Temp Avg = 22 deg C, Precip yesterday = 2mm.
In the last few weeks, any issues with the actual station have resulted in location in the option tab being displayed as GPS coordinates on a white background.
Screenshots attached.
sean1ParticipantHi Sameer,
Problem is back… I tried a few stations again and I am unable to run weather diagnostics.
In fact it is now stuck on IGAUTENG149, regardless of which other ones I try select. When I submit the new station and then go back to the options it still displays the name of IGAUTNEG149.
After a few attempts at a station change and back to IGAUTENG149 I can get a successful weather call.
Yesterday when I was on IGAUTENG139, and although it worked I noticed that the last successful weather call was a few hours behind the actual time. so if I checked at 1pm the last successful weather call may have occurred between 11am and 12pm, and the last weather call between 12pm and 1pm. both at different times.
sean1ParticipantHi Sameer,
I tested last night and as you indicate the station now work. Thanks!
I’ll continue to monitor and let you know if anything strange happens.
sean1ParticipantHi Samer,
I upgraded to 2.1.16 and still have the same issues. Any suggestions?
sean1ParticipantHi Samer,
I have been systemically trying the station near my home. Of the 15 odd I tried all gave me the same result. No weather diagnostics or updates.
I eventually tried a couple in the USA, which worked. The location also updated my timezone.
When I went back trying at home, I couldn’t get the time zone to revert back either (i.e it stayed on the USA zone).
Could it be something specific to my area that is causing the issue? I cant believe all the weather stations are faulty at once?!
sean1ParticipantHi Samer,
I tried a new station, FAOR, I still have a 0% watering.
I then reset all my settings and then selected a different station again, IGAUTENG97. This time I get a watering percentage of 113% but when I select weather diagnostics, nothing comes up as before.
sean1ParticipantThanks Samer,
I will try selecting another station to see if it resolves the issue.
How do I check that a station is reporting all metrics correctly? If I go to wunderground site, the station (IGAUTENG163) reports 36% humidity.
I would have thought the Zimmerman formula would assume any missing data to be as per the expected norm. I.e in teh absence of a temp reading it would use 21C base temp.
I am having a similar problem as discussed in this forum. I have 2.1.15(2) firmware on my unit and I am using a local station which is Blairgowrie, Randburg, GAUTENG (IGAUTENG163) according to the Wunderground site. My unit calls it Blairgowrie only.
It was working fine until my rain sensor was triggered. Since then (3 days now) it has been stuck on 0%.
When I click weather diagnostics, nothing is displayed, it just has the loading images for a bit. then nothing.
If I go to select a new location, its slow to display them, but selecting a new one changes nothing.
I can access the unit remotely.
It is on DHCP.
I have rebooted it a few times. Including powering it off and back onAny suggestions/help would be appreciated.