Forum Replies Created
v1prParticipantAll is working on your side? 🙂
v1prParticipantSorry, I really don’t know how did that happen, but somehow I’ve left some stuff fro ESP8266… corrected know, only 4 files changes (OpenSprinkler.cpp, opensprinkler_server.cpp and utils.cpp – see github).
v1prParticipantShu, there was some typo. Please “refresh” – at least OpenSprinkler.cpp – from my git and try again.
v1prParticipantThan you should, since this one is configured for my board, which uses shift-register as an output. You can compare the old esp32.h with the new one and comment out/unset the unneeded things and change the pin numbers. Don’t forget to change the LCD type too, since it’s set for SH1106, not the “default” SSD1306.
v1prParticipantdid you revise/set the params/pins in esp32.h? What setup are you running? GPIO, PCF or ShiftReg valves? LCD?
v1prParticipantSorry about that, considerd too straight forward. Simply add it to public section, just like in es8266.h:
bool dataAvailable();
size_t readBytes(char *buffer, size_t length);
size_t readBytesUntil(char terminator, char *buffer, size_t length);
void print(const char *data);
void print(const __FlashStringHelper *data);
int peek();
void setTimeout(int timeout);
void flush();
void stop();
unfortunatelly porting is not that easy, since the ethernet library does not exists for ESP32. Anyway, I started porting to ESP32 – based on Ja.Carer’s work. Code compiles, but did not have the time to test it (yet) on my custom board; so any volunteers for testing are welcomed 🙂
Code is here:
Please read the readme! Moreover, I’m not sure, if the bug in the Arduino-ESP32 library has been updated in platrofmio (bug with the F() macro calling).