OpenSprinkler Forums Comments, Suggestions, Requests Enhance GUI utilization

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  • #69453



    I am new to openSprinkler and liked very much . Also, would like to provide my humble feedback on the GUI , just minor comments.
    1.- On the PC, the main screen has only the station status in the middle. I feel this is a waste of foot print . You might put more info in just one screen.
    Notice though that in the mobile, this screen takes the whole display . So maybe you can have 2 different interfaces, desktop or mobile. I mean, take advantage of bigger desktop display.
    2.- Also got confused on first login, because in the same screen you have a setup/config on the top left , but also another menu in the bottom right . In my mind, the menu should be just one.





    Haha, yes it takes some getting used to!

    I think the main challenge is the limited ressources of the esp8266.

    ESP32 or other LoRa WAN-enabled controller hybrids seem to be required to push towards distributed OS mesh cloud, to enable seamless distributed home automation connectivity (ble humidity/pressure sensor#4 -> !OSvalve#4 mesh network messaging)

    Did you login on the OS device yet?

    You can update the html in the html folder, I can’t find the link now how to recompile that html2raw.cpp. Memory is the limiting factor I think!



    I believe another user just designed a two column UI for larger screens. I have asked them to submit a pull request so others could also benefit from his work:

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OpenSprinkler Forums Comments, Suggestions, Requests Enhance GUI utilization