There was a OSPi 3D printed case posted a while back. I got myself a 3D printer and would love to be able to print the case for my OSPI. Does anyone happen to have the STL files for that case?
Probably because a recent WordPress update disabled the file (which is unconventionally renamed to a PNG file). Here is the new download link:
Ray, I was able to get the x_t file converted to 2 STL files (front and back of the case). Is it OK to post it to Thingiverse?
Printing it now. I’ll see how the case fits before I post it.
I can’t take credit for that. Thingiverse does it for you. I printed one on an XYZ DaVinci 1.0 printer in ABS and it works very well. Someday I want to draft up one specifically for a display-less Pi. For now the OSPi w/ PiZero is working flawlessly and it now has a case to keep it together.