OpenSprinkler Forums OpenSprinkler Unified Firmware Weather Adjustment Not Changing over 2 weeks

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  • #35560


    Firmware 2.1.2 does not have the 3 program issue.

    Let’s isolate the problems first. You reported that 1) you can’t connect to OpenSprinkler remotely; 2) the weather adjustment isn’t changing. For question 1, are you able to access it when you are at home? If yes, it sounds like OpenSprinkler cannot reach the Internet, and that will also explain why the weather adjustment isn’t changing. If you can’t access OpenSprinkler while you are at home either, it sounds like it can’t connect to your router. Click the first button (B1) to check if its IP address has changed.



    Thanks Ray. As so often, the mere fact of posting and getting a response gets you thinking! My device was set to static IP and could be accessed on the local network, but not remotely. I tried setting it using DHCP, and then the Zimmerman calculation was working! Looks like it may be an issue with my router. Almost looks like an IP clash – but I’m using the same IP as my previous OpenSprkler (which is off the network). Anyway, I have reset it now as a fixed host on my router and DHCP on teh OpenSprinkler and everything is working fine.  Thanks again.

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OpenSprinkler Forums OpenSprinkler Unified Firmware Weather Adjustment Not Changing over 2 weeks