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  • in reply to: Two stations working in parallel #70631


    Sounds like you got skills…. Open Sprinkler uses open source software. Maybe you can contribute to the software by adding the program features you need, then the whole community would benefit.
    I returned several other brands of ethernet sprinkler controllers due to them being way too limited on zone and programming control. I saw OS is able to do most of what I want and that it is being actively developed so I went with it. I would love to have the detailed features you are talking about. Then OS would be a perfect choice for any irrigation needs, and would blow big commercial irrigation controllers out of the water.
    Maybe OS could be preloaded with two different UI? One being for people who mainly use it for yard sprinklers and have a simple UI, and the other for a more complicated precise total control UI used in agri irrigation.

    in reply to: Two stations working in parallel #70628


    My current irrigation controller can handle this

    What controller are you currently using…. I couldn’t find one that does this and have Ethernet capabilities.

    in reply to: Possible to interlock masters? #70624


    How could the system interlock masters automatically? How would the system know that your pump was out of service? I suppose if you have a flow meter, and use a IFTTT (If This Then That) service, you could monitor water flow and If no water flow, then disable s1 and enable s2? But I have no clue how to implement that or if it is even possible. This would be terribly complicated. Perhaps if you know you have a failure, you could manually do the following until a repair is made.

    Each zone gets none, one or two masters assigned to it. If s1 is your pump supply (set as Master Valve 1) and s2 is city water (not set to master since you don’t normally us it), and your pump fails, just go into “Edit Options”, “Configure Master – Master Station 1” and change if from s1 to s2. Now all zones will use s2 (city water) as their water source until you change it. When you fix your pump, go back into “Configure Master – Master Station 1” and change if from s2 to s1 and all zones will use pump supply water. This way your wife won’t have to remember anything and all changes are done programmatically which can be remotely. No need to physically visit the controller to make physical changes like removing or switching wires. Just make sure you don’t program s2 with a time thinking it is a sprinkler zone.

    in reply to: Two stations working in parallel #70623


    How would the system know when to run s4 and s5 since they are set to work in parallel with other zones but placed to the back of the line? I haven’t even hooked my system up yet, still in the box, shipping was quicker than I expected so got it earlier than my project calls for (thanks Ray, you are doing a wonderful job), so I haven’t any experience yet except for playing around with the Demo before I purchased, but from what I remember, might I suggest the following:

    1) Maybe wire zones 4 and 5 together and set them to sequential mode?
    Or better yet…

    2) Move s4 and s5 to zones s1 and s2 while moving all the other zones down 2, then check sequential mode for s2 (the old s5) and all the other following zones while unchecking sequential mode for s1 (the old s4), that way the old “s4 and s5” (now s1 and s2) will both run first together and s3 (the old s1) will wait till s2 (the old s5) is done? Does the old s4 and s5 run the same amount of time every time? If so, then it wouldn’t matter which one you put on zone 1, but if one zones runs longer than the other, make sure it gets moved to s2 that way s3 waits for it to finish. This way would allow the old s4 and s5 to be on independent programs and you would have more flexibility than if you wired them both to the same zone.

    Hope this helps.

    in reply to: Why does Interval Days value have to be 2 or greater? #70622


    Yes to this is Awesome. Thanks Ray for the quick response.

    in reply to: Open sprinkler on my farm—–> Pumping station #70579


    * 3 – it looks good 🙂

    It sure does.That’s the prettiest sprinkler setup I think I have ever seen.

    in reply to: Why does Interval Days value have to be 2 or greater? #70573


    I too was puzzled by this. I have a lot of programs I need to set up, and all of them are daily, so I was looking for interval 1 day. Saves me about 7 clicks per program. Also, when I am done with all the programs, I have to double check every one of them to make sure I clicked all 7 days. Not a big deal, but why not let us put interval 1 as an option?

    in reply to: Weather data and greenhouse #70569


    Could you just set any zones related to your greenhouse to ignore rain in the basic settings of each zone?

    in reply to: Guidance on Web UI customizations? #70568


    “Did this Project ever get completed? I would love to have a map view of my property with all the zones shown on it.”

    +1 on this. I too would love to have a map view for zone locations.

    in reply to: OSPi and Fertilizer Output #70559


    What I plan on doing is using a Injector Pump (Stenner 85MHP40) on zone 1 activated by a 110v relay. It will be plumbed in my main feed line just before any zone solenoids. It will not be set as a master pump, just a regular zone named Fertilizer Pump and not set to sequential. When I create a watering program for any zone that I wish to fertilize, I include zone 1 with the time set to a few minutes less, that way it cleans out the fertilizer in that zone line. I can also create a program to water the same zone without fertilizer, I just don’t include zone 1 in that program. Hope this helps.

    Sorry, I just noticed that the demo.opensprinkler names had changed before I did the screenshot. Zone 1 should be named Fertilizer Pump and Zone 2 named Banana Trees.

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