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rwpParticipantTried 3 browsers. opera,chrome,firefox. at -logging in or adding stations manually. still get unable to connect to lan. I am trying the 2.2.0 firmware and otc next.everything is address reservationed and port forwarded.
rwpParticipantusing offers the managed sites side bar option.on the mobile ap I keep a connection via lan and wan for each controller and from the managed sites side bar can connect either way. all the connect buttons are green. when using the only the wan adresses are green the lan ips are red.tried adding again manually via PC and adding again via mobile app then syncing but same result.error message is uable to connect.If I type the ips directly into a browser connects instantly.thanks for any insight. rwp
rwpParticipantHave been directly using my browser which is ok. I do like the feature of managed sites. My eight controllers accessible from one page. when using a browser I can log in to my account but no path from the sidebar button to managed sites. the menu starts with export configuration. Am I missing something? thanks. rwp
rwpParticipantTrying to access bin download for 2.2.0 firmware. where is it? some reference to experimental folder where is that? only thing I see on git hub is2.1.9(9).
“The test firmware 2.2.0 is located in the ‘experimental’ subfolder of v3.0 and v2.3 respectively.” thanks richard
rwpParticipantI spoke to soon 72hrs. worked fine today locked up twice already. Any suggestions appreaciated. rwp
rwpParticipantThe problem I had with port forwarding was because my tp link router reserves port 80 for router access.I changed the open sprinkler port per your instructions and works fine now.
This comment I made on the dead simple driver installation post.
0pen sprinkler v2.1 orange plug can’t update firmware followed directions exactly.Did every thing 3or 4 times ,zadig says driver updater,Download firmware says success.hold b2 plugin, nothing changes,window popup[no driver] from drop down ver.2.1[sticker on back] fails. why? thanks richard ====== Fri Jun 12 10:44:03 2015 ====== avrdude: error: could not find USB device “USBasp” with vid=0x16c0 pid=0x5dc. Tried three different cables.Running pc windows 7 replied
“hold b2 plugin, nothing changes” -> can you explain what you mean ‘nothing changes’? As per the instructions, the LCD should remain off. If the LCD lights up, that means the controller didn’t enter bootloader successfully and you need to repeat the bootloading process.
my replyAloha thanks for reply.LCD remained off. The problem was the zadig install.I did not know that the unit needed to be pluged in and recognized by the zadig installer before installing the driver.[?is that correct?].The firmware updated properly and only encountered some minor mistakes after restoring from internal memory.Now I’m trying to update an older unit[green power plug [firmware 2.1.2,hardware v2.0]]windows does’t recognize and gives an error message,shows up as an unknown decieve.Plug unit in, lcd shows home screen but zadig popup shows no device in the scroll down.In the options on the zadig window shows up as unknown device.Select that and select usbwin32,run and get error message unknown device.Try the os updater but only fails.This is a unit I had previously sent to you for repair.Tried the unit connected to router and all seems to be working fine.Also tried everything as administrator.I also downloaded the driver from adifruit but nothing shows up.What am I missing? thanks richard
rwpParticipantaloha ray I do have the linux mint opensprinkler virtual box on my pc.When I run it with the controller attached it recognizes it once and loads a driver but gives an error message about being busy with something previous.A few minutes later back to unknown device.
rwpParticipantthanks for your time. I deleted the usb tiny files and have zadig installed and showing usbtiny in devicemanager but all attempts on the updater show fail.
All the prior updates I did the controller display would light up when plugged in to usb but now no display.the log shows the same yikes.I started to try from the command promt but not clear on how.I would need more exact instructions.I installed winavr,opened the windows command prompt and tried to cd but don’t really know how. Device signature = 0x000000avrdude: Yikes! is the controller recoverable from this. thanks rwp
rwpParticipantzadig shows USBtinyISP and device manager shows libusb-win32 devices and USBtinyISP .If i plug the controller into the pc device manager shows unknown device.I unplug and unknown device goes away.Even though it’s a 2.0 controller if I replug it in with the b2 it shows up as libusb-win32-USBtinyISP in device manager. It fails to update and no longer works at all when connected to the valves and tplink and 24v power supply.Its never been connected to anything but the usb on the pc and it’s connections to valves,tplink and 24v power.The device manager has returned the following–before trying to update”this device is working properly”windows has determined that the software is up to date USBtinySPI”under properties it shows signed driver provided libusb-win32.Next with the usbtiny recognized I try to update and get failed detect failed upload.Going back to device manager sometimes it says this device is working properly and twice had an error message code 10 once and code 43 once.
rwpParticipantplugged the now no display controller into alternate usb port.device manager shows libusb-win32 devices
-usb tinySPI.Properties says this device is working properly.details say not digitaly signed.driver up to date.When I plug the controller in I get unknown device but if I do the b2 release I see usb tiny in device manager but no wizard no promt to install.Try os updater but only fail to detect and fail to upload.Tried zadig again installed and went through the prompts.checked libusb-win32 (v1.2.6.0) selected usbtinySPI from options menu [show all devices] clicked install[did this three times]Opened osFW updater files- navigated to windows to osFW updater- opened and then download firmware successful–detect device failed–upoload firmware failed.This is definately a 2.0 controller green plug.updater say check log text for details but I don’t know where that is.any hope here? thanks rwp I would reset to factory if possible to solve this.
The last tries I get an error code in device manager in usb tiny #10 and one time #43.I going to try on my laptop.
rwpParticipantMy version 2.0 open sprinkler is now blank.No display.This is the sequence .downloaded the latest osFW updater zip and the zadig zip used univeral extracter to unzip.Plug open sprinkler into windows 7 pro pc usb port.Display lights up.Windows message device not os updater click detect device get failed.Download firmware successfull.Tried manually select device 2.0 and upload firmware and get failed.Next I removed all earlier usb tiny and os updater downloads and started over.downloaded zips for updater and usbtiny from your links.unzipped with windows explorer and this time was promted to unzip extra files in folders. pluged in controller to usb , opened os updater, download firmware successful,detect device worked version 2.0,clicked upload and screen went blank and never came on again.Tried to put controller back on valves,nothing.Plug controller back in to pc no display but get windows unknown device message and in device manager shows unknown device.What next?Previous updates worked fine.I have thirty plus valves in adesert climate and need to fix this.thanks rwp
rwpParticipantAloha managed to get a location on the same side of Hawaii island but to far away to be useful for weather control.Anyway to specify a weather station? Thanks rwp
rwpParticipantNo backup was generated before the update.I clicked the export buttons a few times but probably did’nt hit submit.The sd card card showed properly.Now after the update it does backup to a .json file in the downloads folder.I set up the API for weather but how can I specify what weather station to use?Where is wunder choosing as my location?If it’s the city showing in the open sprinkler weather box it will be useless around here as the town location just got over 2 inches of rain and at my location less than 1/4 inch.There are several wunder private and government weather stations less than one mile from my location.Is there any way to know if the api is using specific data?Is the weather adjustment off in manual mode?Thanks for the update still looking for a run once button for any scheduled program.
Extra start times is unusual compared to industry standards,most all controllers have 3 to 8 start times numbered and set by time like open’s first start time.The mobile ui is way better.I hadn’t updated in awhile,it nows is easy to use as a remote control for field work thanks rwp
rwpParticipantThanks for the extensions as a work around but now another ?.I upgraded to to the beta and don’t understand what I did wrong when trying to export my setup for restoring.
I tried the export to email and export to file but there was no promts. I tried several times.I clicked local but when I restated and tried to import there was nothing but a file in windows notebook that is not recognized.Is there a chance that my setup is still around? What normanly should show when you click export email or file or local?
Also I can’t get out of boston in location. thanks rwp
rwpParticipantexactly the same happened to me.Turned off and on all computers,routers,tp link,phome but can’t access open sprinkler.refresh doesn’t work,you don’t explain how to ensure no cache is being used.I had been using only the original interface as the mobile app style is too jumpy when field testing valves on manual but now even the the error page saying “unable to load UI is in the more modern style like the forum now is.What is the time frame to fix this? Also I use an older Ipad[5.1.1] for mobile control is this no longer supported? thanks rwp
rwpParticipantIn addition to # 24 not working # 22 is also stopped working.This is the second expansion board of three. #6 and #8 as marked on the board have visible damage.The black rectangles look melted.I have very little experience soldering.The board is markedv1.1 07/2013.Are all the boards made the same by the same manufacturer?Is the new 16 zone built better?How often can this be expected.This open sprinkler is now my only controller running my nursery in a desert climate.
thanks rwp
rwpParticipantmanual mode does not allow me to open the master valve from my well so it”s useless for an irrigation check.Is there a solution thanks rwp
rwpParticipantaloha I opened the copy to sd folder and copied the files into the command promt window opened in the copy to sd folder and it’s working now.Thanks looking forward to different station runtimes within a program and a run once program option. rwp.
rwpParticipantaloha brings up a string of zeros 00000000000000000.should I redo the sd card? thankyou richard
rwpParticipantaloha E1 I think stands for expansion board.maybe I hit B3 by accident.Now I’ve plugged open into my router and run through the setup options.B3 to restart then display connecting then MC:M
connection icon then sd card icon.
No x by the icons.gateway address is ip I enter ip into browser no connection.
I doublechecked router settings DHCP client list shows192.168.2.11 Arduino-00 00:69:69:2d:30:00 .Ethernet port at open sprinkler solid green with amber blinking.Tried disabling router and windows firewall no change.Tried two different Ethernet started several times. Any ideas thanks richard
rwpParticipantOk for tech impaired people in windows 7 open a command promt in the firmware 2.0..2 folder not the hex file itself by holding the shift key down and right clicking.Run the command avrdude -c usbtiny -p m644 -F -U flash:w:firmware2.0.2.hex and the lights come on.Now I inserted the sd card and have a screen E1: before I do somthing else wrong Whats next. I don’t see a sd icon. mele kalikimaka richard
rwpParticipantthanks. tried again as admin in command promt avrdude -c usbtiny -p m644 -F -U flash:firmware2.0.2.hex and get this
avrdude: AVR device initialized and ready to accept instructionsReading | ################################################## | 100% 0.01s
avrdude: Device signature = 0x1e9609
avrdude: NOTE: FLASH memory has been specified, an erase cycle will be performed
To disable this feature, specify the -D option.
avrdude: erasing chip
avrdude: reading input file “firmware2.0.0.hex”
avrdude: error opening firmware2.0.0.hex: No such file or directory
avrdude: input file firmware2.0.0.hex auto detected as invalid format
avrdude: can’t open input file firmware2.0.0.hex: No such file or directory
avrdude: read from file ‘firmware2.0.0.hex’ failedavrdude: safemode: Fuses OK
avrdude done. Thank you.
usb tiny shows in device manager ,files unzipped but don’t allow access.Tried the master file in open sprinkler mint firmware 2.0.0hex same error,usb tiny shows in devices. what next thanks richard
rwpParticipantso I went ahead and tried to install the new firm ware and now open sprinkler is dead.usbtiny shows in device manager got the drivers for 64bit win 7.downloaded winavr,found hex file for 2.02.instructions not clear weather I should open firmware file,or access it from ?winavr screens come up but don’t allow any commands.
I put this in windows command promt avrdude -c usbtiny -p m644 -F -U flash:w:xxx.hex .Got a list of actions being taken then lights out.won’t start.A device still shows in usbtiny.No combination of turning on or off with the buttons works. Is it trash? thanks richard
rwpParticipantstill trying to update firmware hit the zip button,unzip,file in downloads.where is the download to sd file?Label says master open sprinkler.Very unclear on the the tinyusb solution for windows 7 64 bit.I’m close to to 500$ invested transferring my system to open but still lose connection occasionally.No explanation for the bar icon on the lcd display what does the x by the bars mean?where should the usbtiny files be located ?A run once any program feature is a must as is different runtimes within a program.A little better direction for github,the menu always has multiple choices. thanks richard