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SamerKeymaster@guylior I’ll be honest, I am vaguely understanding what is going. My interpretation is the isset($_SESSION) is failing on your setup (should be true but somehow coming back false) and as a result a session_start() is fired off. Normally, that is fine since session_start resumes the session if a PHPID is sent in the cookie. However, since this is the initial load there isn’t a PHPID and it’s starting the session over. As a result, the data is gone and you get the notices. I tried moving the checks to test and would like to know if that helps. If not, I have a few other ideas.
SamerKeymasterAwesome! I actually pushed yet another update which suppresses the notices within the installer (since it most likely will fail). Thanks for making this issue known.
SamerKeymaster@afields glad to hear its working well! Thanks again for your spanish translation, very much appreciated.
SamerKeymasterSorry about that! I made the mistake of updating the actual code but not the installer. See if this update fixes your issue.
As far as the notices go I suppose it is my duty to suppress/handle them better. I will see what I can do however in the mean time, changing your php.ini or adding “error_reporting(E_ERROR | E_WARNING | E_PARSE);” to the PHP file (not the best fix) should suppress the other notices.
SamerKeymasterAh you’re missing gettext that’s why. I’ll put a fix out for users without gettext.
Update: Also, it seems Windows LAMP setup is defaulted to putting notice and warning message on the page output (which makes no sense since the end-user is typically not the programmer).
Update 2: I pushed an update which should create the _() function which is the shorthand for gettext. This way, the app at least functions and outputs english strings if you are missing gettext. Let me know if this helps.
SamerKeymasterThe error message is honestly expected. It should just be a warning echoed in your log file. Where are you seeing the error now?
The installer is checking if the system is a Raspberry Pi running the interval program locally (to autoconfigure). I will try to test on Windows but not sure why it would be different.
SamerKeymasterAny specific idea which update caused the issue? Also, see if you can find the apache error.log and check for errors there.
I added Hebrew to getlocalization so please do translate if you can, thanks!
Update: I am still unable to pinpoint this issue. If you do find any errors in the logs please let me know. Thanks
SamerKeymasterAre those the only errors in the log? Because a function is called to define $_SESSION[“data”] at the very top of sprinklers.php. Unless that function is failing and the variable was never set. Let me know if you find any other errors. Thanks!
SamerKeymaster@charvel I believe I figured out the issue. The $settings[“ps”] only reflects programmed schedules and not station status. Basically, I was using the wrong variable. I changed it to $status and this should resolve the issue. The problem with isset is it will always test to true and cause issues. Let me know if this fixes things, finally.
@djagerif I added the file based export/import. Please let me know how this works. I also resolved some bugs with importing files (didn’t know if OSPi/OSBo or OpenSprinkler).I also added a run program button within edit programs. This should make it easier to launch a program, on-the-fly.
SamerKeymasterPerfect! Glad an alternative port is working. Can’t believe an ISP blocks such major ports. They probably do this to get you to switch to business tier services. Internet censoring/filtering really shouldn’t be tolerated. Most ISP’s will reverse the block if you call. They claim they do this due to reduce spam/etc (aka for the customer).
SamerKeymasterCan you navigate to http://WAN_IP:80 from outside your network?
If so, I will have to do some troubleshooting otherwise it’s a network error.
SamerKeymasterAh okay (sometimes I hate PHP because what works on mine hardly ever works on anyone else’s). I’ll update the syntax and hopefully that will resolve the issue.
Update: Try now, thanks!
SamerKeymaster@charvel That is absolutely off…let me experiment and see if I can replicate that, so I can fix. I will let you know.
Update: Okay pushed an update that should help resolve this. I was able to recreate your screenshot and now I can’t so hopefully that’s good!
SamerKeymaster@djagerif I posted a fix for the issue. Let me know if this resolved it. Also, @charvel, I noticed this bug appeared as a result of an addition you made. From what I gathered, you don’t want the master station time to be added or used for the program time nor do you want it listed with a timer on current status page (similar to the native home page).
My solution to keep your suggestion was to unset the master station from the open station array. So it won’t be considered for any of the calculations. I also modified the current status page to only show if the master station is on/off. I tested the following situations and it seems to work fine: 3 stations using run-once program with a master and without a master. I tested both sets with sequential and nonsequential. In the master set, 1 of the 3 stations was the master station as well.
Let me know if your results are the same, for both of you.
SamerKeymasterPHP can be somewhat annoying when it comes to syntax (different supported methods between versions and different methods for the same thing). This should be an easy fix and I can hopefully get to it today.
Thanks for the report!
Update: This fix has been pushed out. Let me know if this resolves the issue.
SamerKeymasterAh okay, that’s a great idea. I’ll see what I can do to override this in the fashion you described. The easiest way will be making a hidden input and managing the values between the two. I will try to implement this when I get the time.
SamerKeymasterI am going to try and post/maintain a list of features and bugs I am working on, in case anyone is curious. The list will be posted here: Nothing is guaranteed to go live but it will at least be attempted/tested out (unless its a bug of course).
Generally speaking, the wiki has been overhauled and actually contains some information now. However if anyone would like to further contribute to the documentation, it would be greatly appreciated (
SamerKeymasterThank you! The Spanish language seems to be covered fairly well by @afields on
However, please feel free to review/modify any of those strings, if needed. Also, any languages needed can be added.
Thanks again!
SamerKeymasterOkay let me try to emulate this tonight and hopefully come up with a fix. Thank you for the detail!
By the way, I’ve slowly been adding your suggestions. The first one just got added, clear configuration. The next one will be file based export/import.
SamerKeymasterFirst, glad your enjoying the app and everything is working well! Both issues are easily fixed. The first exists because if the slider range is to wide the slider loses it’s usefulness (jumps instead of increment by 1 etc).
The second issue is a bug and I will get it fixed very soon.
Thank you!
Update: I never asked but would do you think would be a better max range for run-once?
Update 2: The second bug should be fixed now.
SamerKeymasterI am trying this out now using a 10 minute program on OSPi (latest from Github). I have sequential unchecked and activated the program by run-once.
Here are my results:
SamerKeymasterSignificant maintenance was done to the code today. Small improvements were made to the static item’s opening time. For example, rain delay and are you sure dialog’s now open up instantly. More of the app will behave in this fashion when possible.
I also fixed as many bugs as I could find and added password confirmation to every password creation field (installer, change password, and new user).
One of the other major changes were the settings. I reorganized all of them into discrete groups (device vs application). If any of this isn’t intuitive let me know.
I have to apologize to the few user’s working on localization. I have been swapping strings quite often and I know that can be annoying. In the future, I will try to update the english strings less frequently and only when I am sure of the strings wording.
Also, I think it is fair to say the hosted webapp is deprecated. I cannot maintain both copies of the same app. However, I do have a replacement in the pipeline. I cannot promise if/when the replacement will come out however I do have it planned. It will be purely Javascript and be made to run off the SD card in the OpenSprinkler. This copy will obviously work anywhere and can be a drop in replacement to the hosted web app. Initially, this will be built requiring OpenSprinkler firmware 2.0.2 or later.
SamerKeymasterCharvel has made another wonderful contribution to the webapp. This time it’s weather underground integration. The changes have been merged and have been tested and working.
Over the next few days I will make some minor changes to clean up settings. Right now, device settings and application settings are starting to blur together and I need to fix that.
If anything else is an issue please let me know! Thanks
SamerKeymasterThe change should have been made. Let me know if it looks better. Thanks!
SamerKeymasterCharvel has also contributed a forecast page which has been merged into the master branch. This allows users to tap the weather box on the home page, opening the forecast page for the week. The forecast page is very nice and makes use of the weather icons.