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SamerKeymaster@nate Thank you so much for these! I will play with them and see what happens. If I need any help I will let you know.
Also, I think I fixed the issue with the bars icon on the home page. I have pushed the update to Github but please let me know if this fixed it for you.
SamerKeymasterI’m going to fix the button I promise just haven’t had time today 🙂
SamerKeymasterThose are awesome suggestions thank you! I will play with them tonight and update the code later.
Also I only meant to sharpen the text on the logo not completely redesign it. Currently, the text is a bit blurry.
SamerKeymasterNot quite via the API however you can get the main page using a script and parse the Javascript lrun variable out which contains the information you are after.
SamerKeymasterThanks for the feedback! I noticed the missing bars icon on some browsers and will explore that issue further. As for the weather, I will leave it as is for now. In regard to your preference for the older theme, can you elaborate more. I know you said you miss the divider between the day selectors on the edit programs page but is there anything else? Personally, I really like this theme more especially because of the fonts but also the flatter look (less 3D like buttons). It also seems to take up less space which is great for small screen devices.
I will see what I can do about the divider buttons and the bars icon on the top left of the home page and get back to you.
The other bugs I am looking to fix in regard to the theme are new splash logos (the background of the splash is no longer a gray gradient). I want to fix the loading of the edit programs and add program pages. Right now in order to work with page transitions I had to show the page then render the content which isn’t a perfect method. I want to fix the main page header because IMO it is ugly and can be better. The last bug is related to the current status page timer not stopping when leaving the status page.
SamerKeymasterThe theme has now been pushed to all branches. Since I am working on looks now, I would like feedback about two things.
1) The weather: should I keep it as is? Redesign the inside content of the weather text (slightly cut off icons etc)? Move the entire thing?
2) Can anyone redesign the header logo? Currently it’s an image that was resized to fit in the header however the text is very blurry. Should I switch back to plain text, if I can’t find/make a better logo?
SamerKeymasterThat looks a lot better, thank you for the suggestion! I will make this change and hopefully get it out by tomorrow.
Thanks again!
Update: I have made the changes and pushed them. It sounds like this theme is much prefered over the old one and will probably be merged into the main code fairly soon, if there are any objections please do let me know.
SamerKeymasterYou are absolutely right about your scenario being worse than mine 😛 But as you said that is a hardware issue which is outside of my control quite frankly. When it comes down to it people buy devices like that Rain Bird not for the hardware but for the software preloaded. We can absolutely do the same thing and probably better just need some information.
It sounds like you have the right metrics in mind and a good end goal metric however I have zero time to research. Again, if anyone can bring me the information I would be glad to incorporate it!
SamerKeymasterWeather Underground is very easy to poll since they have a well documented API. What you need is an algorithm you can trust.
1″ of rain – delay for 12 hours
2″ of rain – delay for 24 hours
Temp > 90 – water level 150%
etc.This is less about programming and more about researched data. For a system like this to work, you have to be able to trust it will make the same decisions you would, or an expert would. It has to cover all possible scenarios otherwise it’s useless (if it misinterprets data and activates sprinklers while it’s raining, for example).
I think Weather Underground’s data can be trusted however I have not seen a solid algorithm, yet.
If you can show me or convince me something is worth while, I have no problem switching away from Yahoo and building it right into my web app. But, that is a lot of effort and unless I have tangible data showing the algorithm is legitimate I don’t think it would be worth it.
Update: A flow chart for example would be amazing. I could also be over thinking however trusting a program to modify your schedules seems scary (yard dies if it miscalculates while you’re on vacation). In my opinion, this is something you use until it messes up and then you never use it again. So, if we roll this out it needs to be perfect from the start.
SamerKeymasterYou can accomplish what you want without touching any files or modifying things directly. Both the OpenSprinkler and the interval program for the OSPi support an API for changing settings. For the watering percentage it can be modified using the following command:
The above code will change the watering level to 250%. The range is 0-250. This is a direct multiplier on the minute duration for the stations.
With this information it is absolutely possible to augment my already present weather based rain delay to get more control. However, you need more robust weather sources than Yahoo. For weather underground an API key is needed which is why I haven’t switched to this service. I also don’t have an algorithm to base my program.
SamerKeymasterI also ran into these issues when developing my web app and got around them using a couple of methods.
In regard to the t=0, I always send that for OSPi or the OpenSprinkler.
For the tag I parse it out using regex (actually I parse the digits in):
preg_match("/d+/", get_from_os("/sn0"), $data);
Also for the password problem, I personally limit the firmware to LAN only. And let my web app handle security/etc on the Internet.
Hope this helps!
Update: By the way, not sure if you are aware but the API used to be vastly different but a lot of work has gone in to bridge the gap. Dan has been instrumental in all of this and at this point we are fairly close. If you want to fix the t=0 discrepancy you can submit a patch to Dan and he might incorporate it into the main code. I personally haven’t found this to be a huge problem since I don’t plan on using the timer feature of manual mode. I prefer run-once in that scenario.
SamerKeymasterThat actually exists and is referred to as the water level and can be adjusted from 0-200%.
Sorry I haven’t read your whole post been a busy afternoon and will hopefully digest it more later but it sounds like you have got everything working now!
SamerKeymaster@craigmw I can confirm this feature works so there is probably something configured incorrectly. The best thing to do is to use the program preview for guidance. Make sure the program interval is greater than 0. Make sure if you are using multiple programs with the same start time that the selected stations don’t overlap between programs. Maybe give us some generic information on how your programs are setup and we can help further.
SamerKeymasterThanks for the feedback! I will see about implementing different themes via settings however the problem becomes design when allowing multiple themes. For example, I noticed the new theme takes up less screen space leaving a large void on the bottom of the page. If I decide to use this new theme I am debating moving the weather box again so it is static on the top. The reason for this is twofold, one it will fill the space making the page look less awkward but also it would prevent the sliding behavior exhibited on page load which makes it hard to push a menu option on the top since the button becomes smaller as the weather box slides in.
Basically, I don’t have time/resources to make more than one theme fully compatible with the layout but if it isn’t hard I will absolutely look into this. Going to give the new theme a few more days to see what people think and go from there.
Thanks for the awesome feedback!
SamerKeymasterDan your wiki is amazing and has inspired me to work on mine now 😛
Just wanted to say great work!
SamerKeymasterNo problem! Been a wonderful learning experience and very happy to see widespread use!
As for the logging, I decided to take a very haphazard method of calculating the minutes and I am also experiencing the same issue (30 vs 31 minutes). I wasn’t sure anyone cared but sure, I will get a fix issued for this.
Update: I changed the rounding method from ceil() to round(). Ceil always rounded up however round applies the 0.5 cut off for rounding up. 0.4 mins or lower are rounded down. This should provide the buffer you are looking forever however I am still seeing some 31 minutes in my logs and also some 29 minutes. Let me know how this works for you.
SamerKeymasterNot sure to be honest, I tried changing my extension boards to 2 and 3 and reverting them back to 1. This produced the expected result of showing only 16 stations. I assume during one of the upgrades of the interval program something went wrong. Hopefully after the manual intervention of fixing snames.txt this will never happen again.
However, I will fix this permanently tonight by incorporating some logic into my get_stations() function.
Update: I added this fix which also fixed another bug. Hope this helps!
SamerKeymasterTo be clear, the webapp does no calculations for extension boards. It simply requests the station names from the firmware. In the case of the interval program this information is stored in snames.txt and is retrieved by navigating to:
This should show you the snames object which is parsed for station names. This should be trimmed to the appropriate number of stations when sent (at least it is on the Arduino firmware).
Therefore, this might be a bug in the interval program returning everything in snames.txt without parsing out how many stations exist.
Try trimming your snames.txt manually and see if that fixes the issue.
Update: Looking a little closer, I suppose I could check the nboards variable on the /vs page and parse it myself. I haven’t in the past because I assume the firmware did this for me. Please let me know if this is something I should add/fix.
SamerKeymasterThat is very odd. All of my testing is done with 16 stations and properly renders all 16 stations. Which version of the web app are you using and which version of the interval program?
Update: Ray kindly added a mobile webapp sub forum and it would be nice to start organizing posts that way.
SamerKeymasterI just removed a fix for the old interval program. This fix allowed the program preview to work even though sequential / concurrent modes weren’t changeable. Now that this has been added in the August 1 build of the interval program this fix is no longer needed! If you run into issues please make sure you are using the latest builds of everything and please reference your build dates and versions when asking for help, thanks!
SamerKeymasterMost likely it is fine, I have plugged and unplugged my extension board with the power on a few times and had no issues. I even did the stupid thing of putting the connector in backwards and had no subsequent damage (even though the connector is polarized). Easiest way to test is just plug it in, change the setting in the interval program to add the extension board, and try to fire on the stations on the extension board (9-16).
SamerKeymasterJust to comment on the current state of this issue.
Dan pushed an update to the interval program to support unicode characters, commas, etc. Afterwards, I pushed an update for my mobile app to handle all of the same issues. Therefore, this issue by and large should be solved.
SamerKeymasterOkay, I think I fixed the problem now. Please let me know, thanks!
Update: I pushed another update that revised the fallback to be a bit more efficient. Hopefully still works well.