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  • in reply to: First version of firmware 2.2.0 ready for testing #74535

    Ryan Turnquist


    I have been playing with the demo of the new firmware and I noticed that the sequential group displayed letter does not reorganize when stations are organized by groups. They will correctly reorganize by the group letter but the order that is displayed doesn’t seem to follow the station when reorganized. It may just be with the demo since I have yet to install the firmware on my system.

    Also I would like to make suggestion. I think it would be helpful that there was the option to have “ignore pause” under the station attributes like there is an “ignore rain”. Like the “ignore rain”, I can think of some scenarios (like special stations) were it would be nice to have the option to exclude stations from the pause option.

    Great work and thanks!


    in reply to: Maintain Same IP address through update #73688

    Ryan Turnquist

    Thank you for your input. I’ll will look into the DHCP reservation.


    in reply to: Driving 14 valves or 12 + Main Pump from OS 3.0 #71796

    Ryan Turnquist


    Very cool idea! I have a question. Would it be possible to make the relay (Q2 in first post) the master for the valve group 2. Therefore one program can have all the valves run where valve group 1 uses only Master Pump (Q1) and valve group 2 uses Master Pump (Q1) and master relay (Q2)?


    in reply to: RF station manual run bug? #69549

    Ryan Turnquist


    After it doing it consistently for a couple hours, I left and came back to it. Now it is not doing it. Maybe it was just a fluke.

    in reply to: Flow sensor + safety / failure alerts? #40685

    Ryan Turnquist

    I second this idea. I think it would be extremely powerful to get alert via email for example when the flow sensor reads flow when no valves are on. In addition, I think it would be nice to get alerts when there is a 0 flow reading when the valves are on meaning the source water is not flowing (i.e. was mistakenly turned off).

    Ryan Turnquist

    I have a similar question as the original post. Would it be possible to run a 24vac 2A pump threw the OpenSprinkler if a 3A 24vac transformer is used? Or is a pump start relay needed?

Viewing 6 posts - 1 through 6 (of 6 total)