They have a pretty large ‘DIY Electronics’ section with all sorts of electronic goodies. This is what I pictured RadioShack should be.
After searching around a few times, I found the AASaver, SquareWear, and OpenSprinkler on one shelf. Very exciting! I do wish they were better organized, because as is, there are hundreds of kits and gadgets spread everywhere like baby toys at a daycare center. Seeing them in store does give me a good idea how to package the products more properly in the future.
So if you are interested in OpenSprinkler (DIY kit), AASaver, and SquareWear, and if you have a nearby Micro Center store, go and check them out. They also take online orders. I wonder if RadioShack could have been saved if they had taken the lead in offering a wider variety of DIY electronics products. Alas, it may be too late.