OpenSprinkler Forums OpenSprinkler Mobile and Web App Mobile Web App with Screenshots (Updated)

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    @cox8996 Just added the log clearing feature

    Let me know how it works (seems to be working fine here).



    I am trying to download your installer <> and am running into problems. Note that I had already loaded your original webapp as well as the interval program. I want to load the latest that integrates the two.

    First a confession – it has been a long time since I did anything with Unix and I am struggling a bit remembering how to get around and do stuff.

    Anyway, I first did the and got a error saying the file already existed.

    So then I tried the command and got an error that the file already exists and is not an empty directory.

    I then tried to delete the contents of the directory to let the installer load its own files but that failed with permission denied.

    Where am I going wrong?



    You only need to install once. To update, enter the directory and issue a pull request.

    cd /var/www/sprinklers
    git pull

    If you have issues recovering from already deleting the files then do this first before trying to re-install:

    rm -r /var/www/sprinklers


    @salbahra wrote:

    @cox8996 Just added the log clearing feature

    Let me know how it works (seems to be working fine here).

    Works on my side. Thanks!



    Pushed out an update to address issue #2. This is a small step toward a larger re-work but its a nice upgrade already IMO. I moved all the status messages to the status bar on the home page. This includes: system operation, rain delay, rain sensor, and manual mode. These will now show up in order of importance in the status bar. The order is:

    System Operation Off (red) > Rain Delay On (red) > Rain Sensor On (red) > Program Running (green) > Manual Mode On (red)

    I also hide the firmware below the station status on the current status page and move the time above the list. This puts more focus on the station themselves rather than a bunch of text.



    @momanz wrote:

    One thing I noticed is that after a while the weather box seems to just disappear from the main page. Sometimes it happens when I’m moving between pages, and just moments ago caught the section containing the weather information very elegantly slide off the screen while the “Information” group expanded in size to fill up the space. Is this normal / expected behavior? Once the weather disappears it seems the only way to bring it back is to restart the app.

    I believe I fixed this issue recently. I also took steps to make sure the weather returned if it ever hide. So at the very least it’s able to come back and hopefully doesn’t hide frequently. By the way, the hiding is related to Yahoo not replying within a 5 second window.

    @momanz wrote:

    Another issue I saw occurs when I have a zone running and am watching the time remaining in the green dropdown. If I set down my phone and the phone display turns off (phone goes to sleep) and I return to the app after the sprinkler turns off, the countdown timer continues counting from what appears to be the time when the phone went to sleep. Seems like there may be a bit of missing code to check station status when waking from sleep and the green dropdown is present.

    I just addressed this issue in the latest update. If the timer drifts for more than 3 seconds it assumes the device went to sleep and instead of attempting to recalculate the timer it immediately requests a new status page from the server. Should fix this issue completely.



    Current status is much better, however, I would put the ‘last run’ section after the ‘sprinkler stations’ section, thereby keeping the station status as the primary focus. Not having to scroll to see the status of the first 8 stations would be ideal. All in all, for a better UI experience, all pages should strive to keep the focused info on a single page.

    Also, I have made a change to your code with regards to the 30minute default for the sliders (run once and edit programs…) I have stations that I run for 4 hours (drip irrigation zones), so I adjusted them all from 30 to 300. Might I suggest making this configurable and putting the value in the setting page?

    Also, I seem to have the issue of the ‘preview programs’ not showing up sometimes… Similar to the issue you closed on git. I’ll see what I can find in the logs.

    Awesome app, by the way – great work, and thank you for all of it!



    hmmm not sure if it is the web connection or what. I cannot use the run once program today. I did reboot and it worked, so it did reboot, but it will not run with the main submit button or clear with the reset button. I have even set say zone 7 at 5 minutes, tried to run, it did not run, reset will not clear it, so I changed the value manually to 0, tried submit once more, exited screen came back and it was once again on 5 minutes but had never run. I was able to run the once using the submit button in the upper right corner, but when I do that it does not know which zone is running and says undefined running.

    I know it is a work in progress and can see there have been some changes made, but I use the run once often for my tomato and strawberries.

    Thanks in advance!




    I agree 30 was a bit limiting and will update my copy to reflect the new limits.

    I would love to stuff everything into one page however some things are too difficult to cram in (especially on iPhone). I have some changes in the pipeline for the status page to bring it all into one page by making each station a “card” and allowing them to reflow based on the browser’s width.

    The preview pages bug is eludes me apparently. Please let me know if you find any errors or anything that can hint at what is going wrong and I will be glad to fix it.


    Okay let me see what I did and will try to get a fix ASAP. Just so you know run-once stopped working for me on OSPi but I don’t think you are using the Pi, are you?



    @wyone Okay, I fixed the buttons at the bottom of the run-once page not working.

    Also, where does it say undefined running?



    it said the undefined on the green status bar on the front page. I did not see it anyplace else, but the countdown timer worked and it did switch from one zone to the other, again saying undefined on the second zone



    @wyone I think your browser is aggressively caching the Javascript because I have updated the script and it is almost impossible for you to see undefined. If you are my best guess is an old, cached file. Try to F5 (Windows) or Ctrl + R (Mac) and see if that fixes anything.



    ‘preview programs’ stopped working for me today again. Haven’t had time to try and troubleshoot but since there is another report of the problem by Richp I though I’d let you know. Same exact behavior. I can go forward a day and it works, and I can look back at yesterday’s program and the preview works. Out of curiosity is there a network timeout associated with the preview? If so let me know where it is in the code and I’ll try increasing it to see if it has any impact.

    Also, thanks for the followup on the weather and work on timer accuracy when resuming from sleep.




    Yes, there’s three different timeouts. One is in Javascript for AJAX calls and is at the top of main.js.php. The other two are in main.php at the top. One is a socket timeout which is how long file_get_contents can wait when trying to communicate with Yahoo or OpenSprinkler. The third timer is a php execution limit. Let me know if changing any of these helps. Still find it odd only the first one has issues.




    @salbahra wrote:

    Yes, there’s three different timeouts. One is in Javascript for AJAX calls and is at the top of main.js.php. The other two are in main.php at the top. One is a socket timeout which is how long file_get_contents can wait when trying to communicate with Yahoo or OpenSprinkler. The third timer is a php execution limit. Let me know if changing any of these helps. Still find it odd only the first one has issues.


    Ok. Looks like it’s the AJAX timeout in main.js.php. When I increase the time out to 6000 it works (the timeout is set to 5000). The Firefox developer console shows the specific operation took 5413ms. Viewing the next day preview takes 4555ms I guess this explains why I could see the next day preview and not the current day. I’m guessing the time to include the current time marker on today’s preview chart is the difference between the two operations. When I check resources on my my web server (it’s a Belkin router) loading of that preview page takes me from an idle cpu to 80-95% utilization. So simply put, I think you’re taxing my router! I wonder how my router CPU (Broadcom BCM4716 chipset) compares to the RPi server…

    Could we increase the timeout to 8 or 10 sec if you don’t see an obvious inefficiency in the code.





    Hi again…

    I’ve followed the thread closely and I really like how this app has evolved.

    Now I’m starting to get confused.

    1. Somewhere along the way the timezone calculation has gone bad. It used to take care of dst here in Sweden, we are GMT +1 and another +1 for dst right now. Both SW and HW clock on the Pi is correct but app tells me just GMT +1! That is it’s 1h less than the real time.

    2. Rain Delay does not turn off at the specific time.

    It is now Mon, 15 Jul 2013 10:45 and I still have rain delay active! If it’s any help my delay duration is set to 12h.
    This also used to work but sorry to say I can’t really say when it stopped.

    UPDATE: Looks like even if the rain delay is active the program, only have one, has run during the night, at least the log say so…

    I’m running the interval prg from Dan’s Git dated Jun 19 and have been up to date with the webapp all the time and yes, I’m on the OSPi.




    web interface appears to be down this AM



    @momanz I will update the timer to help alleviate this issue.

    the interval program ignores DST and as a result the time my app gets is incorrect. This is a change documented by Dan. Also, there is a newer version dated July 10 that might help.

    Files got deleted by accident. I’ve fixed them and all should be working again.

    I got your PM, the OS 2.0 allows 16 character names. The OSPi can easily support that too now if it wants otherwise I believe OS<2.0 and OSPi automatically trim anything sent over 12 characters.



    I just posted a feature request that relates specifically to the mobile web app. I could have put it here, but I elected to put it in its own thread because this one is already so long 😀 . Link:



    @andrew I love these weather based add ons for the system. I just want to highlight some hesitation I have and how I plan to get around them.

    The first problem is the weather data. I want to make sure we choose the best source that won’t cause us problems down the road and contain trustworthy data. The other problem in regard to weather source is cost. Most are free for personal use but regardless all require an API key (something I suspect some user’s will have issues with). I understand most here in the forum say they can handle getting an API key but unfortunately I don’t think the general audience can.

    The second problem is trust. Right now, my web app and the interval program are undergoing heavy changes and trying to bolt down a reliable weather control seems far-fetched to me. I personally would not trust my web app (yet) to handle complex weather analysis and program changes. The only weather based addition I have added was automatic rain delay because I trust that will work as advertised (not saying it’s the best solution, just saying I trust it to work).

    As things begin to stabilize in the basic UI/function arena I hope people smarter than me can add on the weather based control’s to either my web app or directly to the firmware (which is probably ideal). I think adding weather control outside of the main device requires the server to always be in sync and connected to the OpenSprinkler which adds another link that can break. The nice thing about my web app is even if your server completely dies, the OpenSprinkler functions as normal.



    @Zapp please let me know if updating to the newer interval program helps. For the record though, my app has no say in the controller being in rain delay or not. So, if you open my app and it says rain delay enabled then it directly got this information from the OpenSprinkler.

    What I am trying to say is, when you see issues like this consult the native interface for the OpenSprinkler to help troubleshoot (at the very least this eliminates one variable from the equation).

    Now, if the OpenSprinkler interface is showing something different than my web app, please let me know! In that situation, chances are something is wrong with my web app.




    @salbahra wrote:

    @Zapp please let me know if updating to the newer interval program helps. For the record though, my app has no say in the controller being in rain delay or not. So, if you open my app and it says rain delay enabled then it directly got this information from the OpenSprinkler.

    What I am trying to say is, when you see issues like this consult the native interface for the OpenSprinkler to help troubleshoot (at the very least this eliminates one variable from the equation).

    Now, if the OpenSprinkler interface is showing something different than my web app, please let me know! In that situation, chances are something is wrong with my web app.


    I suspected that much but now I know for sure. I’ll just have to wait for the next rain so I can test it. I’ll get back with results.

    I’m now on the latest interval prg on my OSPi also.




    I finally added a running timer to the status page @kenbob. I honestly have not been able to test it accurately because I do not want to test on a live system and the OSPi interval program (latest copy) is giving me issues with runonce programs. Please let me know how it works, thanks!

    Update: For anyone who skims through the code changes; I haven’t consolidated the update timer functions because I didn’t wanna break the homepage timer. Once I know this is working I will merge them.



    @salbahra wrote:

    I finally added a running timer to the status page @kenbob. I honestly have not been able to test it accurately because I do not want to test on a live system and the OSPi interval program (latest copy) is giving me issues with runonce programs. Please let me know how it works, thanks!

    I reverted back to the Jun 26 2013 interval program. The running timer on the status page looks great and seems to work with no issues. I really think this app has already exceeded a lot of expectations and really gives the Opensprinkler a nice polished front end. Thank you for all your hard work.



    Thanks for making this! I just set it up on my OSPi and got all the port forwarding, etc… set up. So I can control everything from anywhere. One question – where can I change the password for the interval program? I changed the password from “opendoor” to somehing else, but the web app stopped working. So I’ve changed it back.

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OpenSprinkler Forums OpenSprinkler Mobile and Web App Mobile Web App with Screenshots (Updated)