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aruzsiParticipantOK, I want to tell you I’m not a WEB or http(s) expert.
My proxy is running under OpenWRT and the proxy is lighttpd. There isn’t CORS definition in it. I use some SNI based proxy making https front-end for internal WEB pages. I don’t want to use port based virtual hosts because my company’s proxy not accept ports.
Can you help me?
And my “cert” was expired about 4 months. 🙁
Of course I can send you the consents of Console window but it is in Hungarian language. How can I see it in English?
aruzsiParticipantWith my https frontend proxy the WEB page doesn’t work.
Password page -> Loading -> password page -> go back. Is this a bug, or anything else?
How can I get a cert for domain which is a DDNS? I’m not the administrator for that domain, of course.
aruzsiParticipantTomorrow I will make a test from real browser outside of my network using https.
aruzsiParticipantOf course I don’t have real SSL cert. My proxy is using self signed cert. I think it is much better then the simple http and my password on the wire.
So I don’t know why the app is not able to connect through my https proxy.
I’d like to know the full URL which the app uses. Is that https://<IP:port>? (when the SSL is checked)
I use some internal WEB pages which is not SSL capable inside protecting the connection until it is travelling on the Net.
Anyway, do you understand my setup?
aruzsiParticipantI run Updater program as root, of course. It doesn’t communicate with Sprinker. And I didn’t find log.txt.
I reinstalled (?) the libusb driver under Win 7 and the detect and upgrade was successfull! 😉
I don’t know what is the problem with the Linux version. Ubuntu 14.04 64 bit. I wasn’t able to use the uploader program.
Always failed the detect and/or upgrade. Can you check it?
aruzsiParticipantHi, I’m under Win 7 64 bit. I followed what you wrote. I connected the USB cable and I think I released B2 button as fast as I can. The LCD is blank.
I checked the version the back of the box: 2.1.
Something is not perfect.
Uploader said: Uploading firmware.
Please wait…
Check log.txt for detail
The log:
====== K márc. 24 13:39:25 2015 ======
Error uploading firmware.
====== K márc. 24 13:40:55 2015 ======
avrdude: error: could not find USB device “USBasp” with vid=0x16c0 pid=0x5dcI’ve got USBasp device under Device manager.
I’m not able to connect to my v2.1 (?) Spinkler. Firmware is 2.0.5. The 24V power connector is orange.
I tried Windows and Linux. Detect is failed. Upload: nothing happen. How long does it take to upload the new firmware?
No log.txt and my Linux detected the USBasp device. That’s all.
aruzsiParticipantI checked the API key with mobile app.
It is working. 😉
aruzsiParticipantI registered a WU API key.
The WEB UI just “thinking” and no weather info. 🙁
I don’t know where is the problem: the API key or the new WEB UI.TIA,
aruzsiParticipantNice work!
UTF-8 is supported.
My spinkler is running on non default port and it works after upgrading automatically. I didn’t do anything just clicked on Upgrade button.
In that time the spinkler program was running and I could see messeges, too, as from the mobile app.I haven’t checked setting up or modifying anything, yet.
aruzsiParticipantMaybe here is the answer:
“Device ID: sets the last byte of the controller’s MAC address. Default 0.”
My Device ID was changed to 1, so th elast byte of MAC became 01. That’s why I got new IP from the DHCP server.
So now I can reset DID to 0 and use the static MAC to IP association on the DHCP server.
I just checked my DHCP of OWRT and I could see there were 2 OpenSpinkler- 00 and 01!
I haven’t found any device or box which changing its MAC address alone without any explicite MAC configuration change.Do you know the reason?
I found the solution.
It was my fault. 🙁
Sorry for it!I RESET the box. Maybe I typed in the right default password in the Android app and I used wrong (default) password on the WEB page.
Now I changed the default on both place and seems working, but after that the MAC, hostname and the IP was changed … Hmmmm …TIA,
aruzsiParticipantI don’t know what is the problem.
From the WEB browser I can’t set anything. I don’t changed anything.
A RESET the box.Android app is working. The 1st web page acces was successfull. The 2nd was 401 Unauthorized.
aruzsiParticipantI didn’t know “WEB” page is not clear: It is when I enter the IP address of the Openspinkler in my web browser.
I checked the URL and there is pw=.
aruzsiParticipantFrom the Android app it works!
I don’t understand!
aruzsiParticipantI thought I’ve done the password problem.
I changed the 1st stations’ name which was successfull. The next one: 401 Unauthorized. 🙁 And no change!
aruzsiParticipantI found the solution: RESET.
My version is 2.0.5 so there was no solution in the manual.
There were =2.1 descriptions. I had to use 2.1 mode.TIA,
aruzsiParticipantYes, you’re right no password change.
The problem then: I got 401 Unauthorized on WEB page if I want to control or modify anything.
On the app I got error message checking the password …What is the solution?
I changed the default password. 🙁
aruzsiParticipantIs DST working?
We are UTC+1 and using DST, so now the local time is UTC+2.
If I setup timezone UTC+1 the clock is delayed -1 hour. So now I choosed UTC+2.What is the correct setup?