Forum Replies Created
benaParticipantFor anyone that is looking for flow alerts, they are now available in Firmware 2.2.1(1).
benaParticipantFor anyone that is looking for flow alerts, they are now available in Firmware 2.2.1(1).
benaParticipantJust FYI for those following this topic, I’ve submitted a code change for approval that will enable basic flow alerts in OpenSprinkler for stations running sequentially. If it is approved, it would be available for everyone in a future firmware.
benaParticipantHey @Ray, as suggested I’ve submitted pull request #252 to add basic flow alerts with no changes to the UI required. Let me know your thoughts as I think others on the forum can utilize this feature.
benaParticipantJust to clarify, OpenSprinkler does log the flow rate per station. However, as Ray said, if you run more than one station at a time, the flow information will not be accurate.
But if you are like most people and run stations sequentially, the information is there.
Check the API document, the “jl” command returns the OpenSprinkler log data: are the columns returned from the API request:
program ID, Station ID, dur in seconds, end time, flow rate during the station runHere is an example record showing a flow rate of 13.27
[[1,2,900,1693055684,13.27]]It would be great if this data was shown in the UI with the warning that it should only be used with sequential zones.
benaParticipantOh congrats! That definitely can be a busy time.
I do agree and that was the main point for me choosing OpenSprinkler as an open source project.
So, thanks for the update and setting our expectations so we can move forward externally.
benaParticipantI am also interested in this enhancement.
I think the following changes would be very helpful for those of us with flow meters:1. Include the Flow Rate on the Logs UI
2. Add a Flow Rate Target parameter to the station configuration
3. Send out the “Flow Rate Target” value from #2 when sending the IFTTT Station Run Event.
4. Create a new IFTTT Flow Alert Event that is only sent when the Station Flow Rate is bigger than the Station Flow Rate Target.Attached are what the first 3 changes could look like:
August 10, 2020 at 7:54 am in reply to: Controller lockups / crashes with wired Ethernet module #67836
benaParticipantAlthough the symptoms I see are slightly different from yours and may be linked the length or quality of my Ethernet wire, I’d be happy to try your debug code.
July 31, 2020 at 10:44 am in reply to: Instructions for testing OS 3.2 with W5500 Ethernet module #67660
benaParticipantActually, your work to debug the ENC28J60 module is helping. As discussed in the other thread, I’ve reverted to the ENC28J60 module with the debug firmware and as you identified it detected late collisions on my network. Since I’m seeing the same behavior with both the ENC28J60 and W5500, I can focus on troubleshooting my cabling for now.
July 31, 2020 at 10:05 am in reply to: Controller lockups / crashes with wired Ethernet module #67659
benaParticipantOk, with this information, I’ll start removing other devices from my network and try different cabling to see if I can find something causing this error.
Also, for reference, the cable run to my garage is about 100 feet, but I’m sure I failed to follow installation standards correctly.
I’m wondering if this condition could be recreated with a long spool of Ethernet cabling. I’ll continue to troubleshoot and test and report back.
July 31, 2020 at 9:45 am in reply to: Instructions for testing OS 3.2 with W5500 Ethernet module #67655
benaParticipantTo confirm my previous observation, in my case the IP address does not change on the OpenSprinkler display after it becomes unresponsive.
July 31, 2020 at 9:17 am in reply to: Controller lockups / crashes with wired Ethernet module #67653
benaParticipantI have been running the os_219_5_enc28j60_debug firmware and had my first unresponsive event.
The symptoms I observe:
The OpenSprinkler is not responsive when opening the webpage and the web browser times out.
The TestOSAPI utility also times out. “ERROR! IP/port not reacheable or timeout happened!”
However, the OpenSprinkler continues to respond to pings normally.
The OpenSprinkler’s clock continues to be accurate.
The OpenSprinkler continues to run programs and water normally.
DHCP is turned off in the OpenSprinkler.The debug information shown after a reboot when responding normally:
28|1|4|B0|0|31The debug information shown after the OpenSprinkler becomes unresponsive:
28|13|4|B0|0|31July 27, 2020 at 7:59 am in reply to: Instructions for testing OS 3.2 with W5500 Ethernet module #67556
benaParticipantHmm, I’ll double check when it happens again. The last time I checked, the OpenSprinkler continued to respond to pings on the expected IP address. But theoretically, another device could have taken over the IP and started responding. I don’t think that’s the case, but I’ll check.
July 20, 2020 at 6:34 pm in reply to: Instructions for testing OS 3.2 with W5500 Ethernet module #67437
benaParticipantAh, ok. That makes sense.
I just ran a test while the OpenSprinkler was not responding and both the ja and su command time out in my browser.
However, it continues to respond to pings.I’ll just revert back to wifi and wait to see if anyone else has this issue with the W5500.
July 20, 2020 at 11:53 am in reply to: Instructions for testing OS 3.2 with W5500 Ethernet module #67432
benaParticipantJust a quick update. My OpenSprinkler stopped responding again this morning even after the Jul 18th w5500 firmware.
Looking back, I don’t think my symptoms are similar to John K as I don’t get a password prompt or any response when accessing it through a browser. Instead, it just times out. No errors other than the time out show up in the browser developer console.
My symptoms seem to be closer to the original issue where the ENC28J60 module is impacted by some other device on my network.
Again, if there is an easy way to check the network register values (ESTAT.BUFFER and EIR.RXERIF), I’d be happy to try to pinpoint what device on my network is interfering.
July 19, 2020 at 11:37 am in reply to: Instructions for testing OS 3.2 with W5500 Ethernet module #67414
benaParticipantYes, my configuration export is 2264 characters, so that could be it.
I’ve upgraded to the Jul 18 version of the w5500 firmware and I’ll continue to monitor.July 18, 2020 at 9:25 pm in reply to: Instructions for testing OS 3.2 with W5500 Ethernet module #67407
benaParticipantWhen the controller stops responding, I cannot access it via the Android App or the Web interface.
It does continue to run programs and water correctly.– does the controller respond to button clicks?
Yes– is the time displayed on the lcd correct? if not, how far is it from the current time?
Yes, the time is correct.– does the controller respond to ping?
YesJuly 18, 2020 at 7:31 pm in reply to: Instructions for testing OS 3.2 with W5500 Ethernet module #67402
benaParticipantAfter a few more days of testing the new W5500 module and OS firmware, I continue to get lock ups. As mentioned above, I disabled “LAN Sync” in Dropbox and then tried disabling Dropbox all together. Both times the OpenSprinkler would stop responding after about a day.
I suspect some other device on my network is interfering. At this point I’ll revert back to WiFi.
July 16, 2020 at 9:06 am in reply to: Instructions for testing OS 3.2 with W5500 Ethernet module #67359
benaParticipantI have have been testing the new W5500 module and firmware since Monday and unfortunately the OpenSprinkler has stop responding twice.
When the controller stops responding, I cannot access it via the Android App or the Web interface. However, it still responds to pings and the buttons on the controller still respond. It also continues to run watering programs correctly. This is consistent with previous reports.
After the first lockup, I switched from DHCP to a static IP address and after a day it stopped responding again.
In the other thread regarding lockups, Ray suspects Dropbox may be one cause of the issue.
I also have a computer running Dropbox, so I have turned off the “Enable LAN sync” setting this morning and will watch for another lock up.
If it happens again with this setting off, I will deactivate Dropbox all together and report back.Finally, I have a handful of IOT devices on my network, Ring doorbell, Hue lightbulbs, Amazon echo, Sonos, etc. If Dropbox can cause this issue, I wouldn’t be surprised if another one of these devices could also cause a similar issue. If there is an easy way to check the network register values (ESTAT.BUFFER and EIR.RXERIF), I’d be willing to try to narrow it down.
benaParticipantThanks for double checking this.
I just re-ran two tests with the following results:
Ran a station for 20 seconds and manually shorted the sensor 25 times for each firmware:
2.1.9(0) – recorded 25 pulses
2.1.9(3) – recorded 21 pulsesRan a station for 1 minute and manually shorted the sensor 101 times for each firmware:
2.1.9(0) – recorded 101 pulses
2.1.9(3) – recorded 19 pulsesSee attachment for OpenSprinkler log results for each test.
Also, I am using stock firmwares for both versions.
benaParticipantAfter further testing with my flow sensor connected, I am seeing values from the API jl call as well as with the type=fl parameter. It appears to be working correctly as you stated.
However, even after further testing by manually shorting the sensor pin to ground or by attaching my flow sensor and trying different firmware versions, the counts are still not accurate with 2.1.9(3) as compared to 2.1.9(0).
Let me know if you are not able to re-create this even by manually shorting the sensor pin 20-25 times for a 1 minute station run. If not, then maybe there is a problem with my specific unit (OpenSprinkler 3.2 DC).
benaParticipantYes, I forgot to mention I already tried a replacement ENC28J60 module from Amazon and it did not help.
benaParticipantI had the same issue when setting my OpenSprinkler to DHCP and assigning a static IP to it within my router while connected via a wired Ethernet conenction.
I found using WireShark that the OpenSprinkler kept sending DHCP Discover and DHCP Request messages 5 to 6 times a second.
This would cause the OpenSprinkler to be slow to respond to button presses and the screen would flicker.I am using a DIR-882-US AC2600 EXO MU-MIMO Wi-Fi Router on the latest firmware.
I resolved the slowness by setting a static IP address within the OpenSprinkler web application but now I’m seeing frequent instances where the OpenSprinkler stops responding to web requests and requires a reboot. Oddly enough it continues to respond to pings, but just not http requests.
OpenSprinkler V3
Firmware 2.1.9(1)
Wired Ethernet
benaParticipantI’m successfully using a router with a t-mobile data plan. The router is rather pricey, but I needed something more robust than a consumer grade hotspot for use in a very hot garage. To get around the NAT issue, I utilize mofinetwork’s option to provide a static IP through their cloud servers for an additional monthly fee. This allows me to access the OpenSprinkler directly through the internet. No special routing was needed other than a port forward in the router. The router looks to be capable of running other VPN clients which may provide a static IP as well, but I haven’t explored that option.
benaParticipantAlso, it would be helpful to be able to store a flow rate threshold in each station config. Then, when a station run completes, OpenSprinkler could compare the current flow rate to the station flow threshold and send an event to IFTTT for email\text alerting.
Or if you don’t want to do the comparison in OpenSprinkler, just include the station flow rate threshold within the existing Station Run Event that can be sent to IFTTT. Then maybe IFTTT can be configured to do the comparison?
Here is what is currently sent to IFTTT for a Station Run Event and used for email alerts, so it already has the flow rate.
> From: Webhooks via IFTTT <[email protected]>
> To: User
> Date: October 15, 2017 at 1:39 PM
> Subject: “sprinkler”
> sprinkler
> October 15, 2017 at 01:39PM
> Station 01. Front Yard closed. It ran for 10 minutes 0 seconds.
> Flow rate: 6.51 -