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BinaryOSParticipantSorry to hear of your loss Paravis. I don’t really recall how I spotted the crazy values but it was early on thankfully.
After setting up a local weewx station to serve weather report to open sprinkler I was still exposed if the internet or UW service stopped as I was sniffing the data. Well the internet did go down due to a botched upgrade from the national telco for several hours. During the outage have now redirected the PWS to the local webserver that then simply forwards on the same url to UW. The sniffer continues to function. So now internet connection loss does not have an effect on OS.
For those interested, below is the local php that forwards onto UW I am using. As I was already sniffing I was able to cut the script down from
<?php // Parse the wunderground packets sent from the ObserverIP // Pat O'Brien, 1/14/2016 // Make sure the ID and PASSWORD fields match what we think it should match. If it does, this update is valid and continue. if ( ($_GET["ID"] == "yourPWMID") && ($_GET["PASSWORD"] == "yourPWM_PW") ) { //============================================// // Auto send data query right to wunderground // //============================================// $wunderground = file_get_contents("" . $_SERVER['QUERY_STRING']); echo $wunderground; } else { header('HTTP/1.0 401 Unauthorized'); echo 'failure'; die(); } ?>
BinaryOSParticipant@Craig, I did not do any research for running on NAS. Weewx is python so should be a good chance the NAS can do it. There is heaps of good info available, including importing the historical PWS data from existing online services or CSV files. 🙂
Once setup your then free to modify the calculation way beyond the inbuilt adjustments within OS.
BinaryOSParticipant@Peter, no I didn’t see that version. Agree it is a simple and neat solution. For myself, I’m finding weewx a better solution as I’ll now build my own historical data. WU has removed the “Custom” time span for data so I can no longer easily compare years or other custom spans :(. Who knows what else they will remove. Now I can record what I want in reports etc. I can also very easily change the report to the OS Weather service.
Yes I did look into having a script call OS to set watering rate, but in the end felt it was simpler/quicker to setup the existing system (Weather service – OS-Weather – OS) and modify. I did not loose any flexibility doing it this way as both can be easily modified. I’ve already got solar radiation reporting to OS-Weather for possible future ET based calculation.
Regarding OWM, Ah ok I see. That kinda makes sense if the forecast is swinging around.
Watering level values from (OWM source) and local opensprinker-weather (weewx 3dayAvg source):
21:08 OWM 86%, WEEWX 100%
21:50 OWM 84%, WEEWX 100%
03:03 OWM 54%, WEEWX 100%
03:21 OWM 50%, WEEWX 100%
04:00 OWM 43%, WEEWX 100%
04:30 OWM 39%, WEEWX 100%
05:00 OWM 35%, WEEWX 100%
05:30 OWM 35%, WEEWX 100%
06:00 OWM 89%, WEEWX 100%
06:30 OWM 89%, WEEWX 100%
07:00 OWM 91%, WEEWX 100%
07:45 OWM 101%, WEEWX 100%
08:07 OWM 111%, WEEWX 100%Almost every site is forecasting Sunday/Monday 29°C-30°C (2°C-3°C warmer than yesterday) while OWM is forecasting 23°C-24°C. Regardless of broken forecast, the variance in OWM levels seem pretty messed up to me. This is without adding the rain issue into the mix.
BinaryOSParticipantLooking like OWM weather level is a bit over the place, now I’m wondering what WU was like. Today was warmer than yesterday and evening temperature is warmer so can understand increase in watering level as the day goes on but I’m finding the watering level dropping away strange. Times intervals nothing special, just random times I checked as I was seeing how the weewx 3 day report functioned in comparison.
Time Source Watering Level
12:10 OWM 99%, WEEWX 95%
12:44 OWM 103%, WEEWX 95%
15:26 OWM 99%, WEEWX 100%
15:58 OWM 105%, WEEMX 100%
17:07 OWM 117%, WEEMX 100%
18:00 OWM 120%, WEEMX 100%
18:30 OWM 114%, WEEMX 100%
19:00 OWM 108%, WEEMX 100%
19:30 OWM 100%, WEEMX 100%
20:30 OWM 86%, WEEMX 100%
21:08 OWM 86%, WEEMX 100%
BinaryOSParticipantWatering level system now running locally. OS Now using local weewx info (via Opensprinkler-weather service) for watering level calculation.
Locally running Opensprinkler-weather service, weather.js:
Updated to use float values (original service rounds values to nearest whole number, resulting in watering level change in larger increments)
Replaced execution of getOWMWeatherData function with new getWeewxWeatherData function to read JSON formatted report from local web server.
In future may also implement wind and solar values into calculation.Weewx:
Created a report in JSON format to provide data for Opensprinkler-weather, for now trialing using the last 3 days of averaged data for watering level.
(Note: Seems original WU humidity was (Low+High)/2, not the average value for the period)Opensprinker:
Couldn’t get OS to call the weather service set using the setting in http://osipaddr/su , so have redirected connections to to local webserver.
BinaryOSParticipantNo built in support. I’ve not had a chance yet to further look into it.
BinaryOSParticipant“WeeWX is a free, open source, software program, written in Python, which interacts with your weather station to produce graphs, reports, and HTML pages. It can optionally publish to weather sites or web servers. It uses modern software concepts, making it simple, robust, and easy to extend.” bonus is it has a good following so a lot of the work already done, lots of options.
One of the jobs of the linux machine here is commanding OS to run water sprays for cooling the chickens when temperature is above xx, so WeeWX has been now added and will take over the watering level also.
BinaryOSParticipant@paravis, now sure about ET level yet, it is still at Zero and I was expecting a value today. It updates at end of “archive” period so I might need to change something or simply WU data is lacking. More research required.
Eventually I’ll plan on having the weather station uploading to local Weewx and not WU, local Weewx will then upload to WU. Then that way if the internet/cloud service is down I’ll still be kicking :). For now it was simpler to sniff the traffic because no changes required to devices.
BinaryOSParticipantMy ‘Location’ is right. I’m looking into using Weewx now, she’s setup and sniffing the data sent to WU. I’ll then either redirect the weather calls OS makes or just put it in manual and have the local weather server set the ‘manual’ watering level on OS. The ET value in Weemx is of interest, might use that to drive the water level.
BinaryOSParticipantOS has now gone to 60% watering, 0mm rain? that is not right.
No not uploading PWS to openweathermap 🙁 yes I agree the WU & PWS was great. The only reason I setup the PWS was for more accurate rainfall for Opensprinkler.
I’d be ok if Opensprinker worked with the new WU API key 🙁
BinaryOSParticipantRelays for sure. Bonus is you can then select NO or NC contacts if requirements change in future.
I had issues with solenoids not closing with power removed. Because the dripper system low flow was not enough to seat the valve to close. I simply used a relay and timer so if the master solenoid is turned off the timer kicks in and dumps the water, this results in a higher flow allowing the non-powered solenoid that should have closed, to close (seat) with the pressure difference.
BinaryOSParticipantBroken for me also. Currently reading 366mm rain on opensprinkler when it really should be under 20mm.
I thought I would be able to stay with weather underground as I have my own weather station so we get to continue using API but opensprinker has stopped working. Moved to OpenWeatherMap yesterday (missing out on personal weather station) and have this issue.
BinaryOSParticipantSure sounds like a fire waiting to happen. They should be 1.6mm as you have indicated.
BinaryOSParticipantI’m thinking a review of your circuit protection is in order & best double check you have things sized right. Other than that are they (cheap) nasty power supplies?
BinaryOSParticipantWell the part to turn on zone would be something like:-
wget http://opensprinkleripaddress/cm?pw=md5pw&sid=zone&en=1&t=60With the python you linked you could modify the url in urllib2.urlopen to turn on the zone
BinaryOSParticipantSee the API manual Manual Station Run (previously manual override) [Keyword /cm]
/cm?pw=xxx&sid=x&en=x&t=xRequest the url to turn on station. Maybe even a simple bash script using wget?
Don’t forget password in URL needs to be MD5 hashed.
BinaryOSParticipantExcellent update! The full precision down to seconds is my main reason for upgrading.
036 is missing. It is the option to set the state of logging and it is one of the ‘special’ binary options. It should be added to the options list with shading as it may need to be included in the command to maintain the state of logging.Thanks for this info DaveC, I referenced the API document only to find my logging had been turned off when adjusting wl (watering level) 8-(
Bit of a trap when the API Document is incorrect.
September 19, 2016 at 1:29 am in reply to: Fried my Pi, and either Expander interface or Expander Board? #44095
BinaryOSParticipantOpen sprinkler Specs:
“Maximum output current: 800mA continuous (@24V AC) per zone, 6A impulse / inrush.”I’ve got 500mA zone fuses and 1500mA on common return, I only run two at a time (master + zone).
September 18, 2016 at 1:09 pm in reply to: Fried my Pi, and either Expander interface or Expander Board? #44088
BinaryOSParticipantWhile your at it maybe some inline fuses? The inline fuse holders I use on all my zones (and common) cost $3 for 10, delivered.
BinaryOSParticipantThat should be fine then with limits, I was just concerned if it didn’t have limits it would sit there humming away after its already on position.
You may be able to drive direct with the spring type if you use a bridge rectifier – take care to use fuses. I’m driving a 24VDC relay from 24VAC open sprinkler through a bridge rectifier. I’m only doing that as I had a 24VDC and not a 25VAC relay on hand 🙂 (And the bridge rectifier came from old dead computer power supply)
BinaryOSParticipantDo the ball valves have internal limit switches that stop the motor operation once in the closed/opened position?
You could drive from a 24VAC relay. On the normally closed relay contact drive the valve close wire and on the normally open relay contact drive the valve open wire.
BinaryOSParticipantHi Murph72,
If you are still after solenoids, I have had good experience with
I’ve had mine in awhile now, I believe the units I have are:- the Wireless, put the TLWR702N it in AP mode, set up security and your done (I believe DHCP server is on by default, if not turn it on and confirm IP range). Connect to wireless with iPhone/iPad using the security you setup on AP. I suspect you will need the open sprinkler app as the web interface does not work on an isolated network as it needs to download pages from the net. Ray can clarify if the app does work on isolated networks (I’m pretty sure Android version does).
April 18, 2016 at 6:18 am in reply to: Weather adjustment with interval program – Weather averaged over interval period #42108
BinaryOSParticipantHi Ray,
Thanks. I might head down the script route. Can scan for “days0=0” programs and have it modify the watering time to suit.
BinaryOSParticipantRain – I’ve just experienced the same issue. We had a very good amount of rain day before yesterday. OS set 0% watering yesterday, back to normal watering today :(. It would have been good to be 0% watering today and maybe also tomorrow.
For now I’ve had to disable OS so it does not water.