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larryglzParticipantI have 6 “sections” each with a common wire that leads back to the controller. My intent was to place an in-line 1A fuse on each of those common wires such that if any of the valves on that section shorts, it knocks out the section and not the controller. But I agree that adding a fuse for each of the valves is the right way to go – I just hope I can fit all the fuses in the enclosure 🙂
larryglzParticipantIt’s an old thread but still a lingering issue on how to best protect the controller. My setup and situation consists of ~30 valves for field (farm) irrigation using well water. There are some cases where I do run 4 valves at the same time. My nemeses are 1) the sun that prematurely compromises a solenoid and it fails with a short and 2) moles that chew the direct burial cable and cause a short. Admittedly I should be protecting against those 2 things as well (encase the solenoids/valves and run the cable thru conduit) and we do work on them as we come to the issue. But when we’ve had a short, the triacs or the 24VAC transformer tend to fail before the main fuse in the controller opens. And as mentioned by Ray, I can’t install a smaller fuse in the controller because it’ll “falsely trigger.” For now, I created an ESP-based current sensor on the transformer that will cut-off power to the controller if it senses >1A of current. But since this is software based, the reaction is slow and may not trigger a cut-off fast enough. So I’ll take some of the advice here and add 1A inline fuses to the common lines and monitor.
larryglzParticipant“I don’t think any software based protection will be able to shut off the triac in time. The short will happen instantly and there won’t be time for the microcontoller to respond. I’ve seen some commercial sprinkler controllers using a huge 10 ohm resistor for short protection. It works, but it’s not going to allow users to open multiple valves at the same time. So in case you don’t open more than 2 valves at a time, you can put a 10 ohm, 25 watt resistor in line with the common wire to server as short protection.”
Thanks Ray. Unfortunately, i do have a use-case where i do run at least 2 valves at the same time. in the mean time, i’m in the process of rigging a smart switch (Shelly) to be triggered “off” in the event the current draw exceeds 800mA. to your point, this is much slower than the event of the short happening, but at least it doesn’t leave the transformer/controller energized when it does detect high current draw.
larryglzParticipantI’ve experienced a very similar problem – a solenoid fails short and overdrives the 24VAC transformer to the extent that in one case it fried the triac and in 2 cases it killed the 24VAC 1000ma transformer. Is there a way for a current limiter, say 500ma, be applied via software to the zones?
larryglzParticipantHi. I’m using a 24VAC adapter for an AC-powered OS unit. I’ll submit a support ticket then. Thanks
larryglzParticipantGot it. Thanks
larryglzParticipant1. Understood. Btw, I did try turning ON the next station 30 seconds after the previous one. But I would still see that a station would not turn ON on the Remote. In this sense, they were staggered 30 seconds. How often is the command refreshed on the Master to sync w/ Remote?
2. Understood. I missed this.Since I’m running the stations thru Home Assistant anyway, I might stop using the Master/Remote feature entirely.
December 12, 2022 at 6:52 pm in reply to: Anyone out there using remote stations successfully? #74494
larryglzParticipantCool. Yeah, I can vpn to my sites also. But I’m using Home Assistant and controlling thru that. Either way, master/slave configurations work very well.
December 9, 2022 at 10:58 am in reply to: Anyone out there using remote stations successfully? #74475
larryglzParticipantI’m using 3 controllers – 1 main and 2 remote. I run everything thru the main controller and all works well.
larryglzParticipantgot it. i think the safest bet, electrically, is to use the same 24VAC adapter to power both controllers. depending on the rating of it, you may be able to get away with powering 2 solenoids simultaneously. the other option is to wire the 24vac adapters (transformers) in parallel to deliver the same 24VAC but at higher current capacity. e.g. if both are 24VAC rated @ 1A, and you wire in parallel, then you get 24VAC @ 2A, losses notwithstanding. then use this “big” transformer to power both controllers. but they have to be identical. so, safest is to use 1 adapter to power both. and then keep the commons were they belong; similar wiring as your 1st controller.
i might not be understanding how you’re implementing the 2 controllers, but it seems that if all 16 solenoid wires are going to the same location, then 1 controller + an extender would work better. This would give you 24 stations. But based on how you described, since you have to power 2 controllers, then the commons are independent for each set of 8 zones.
the virtual part of your question is straight forward. let’s call them controller A and B. you can add virtual stations to controller A that connect via IP to controller B. just add another 8 stations in “station handling” in options in controller A. you will now see 16 stations. so for stations 9-16, configure each one (in advanced configuration of the station) as a remote station type connecting to one of the station in controller B. I would assume you would configure stations 9-16 in controller A to connect to stations 1-8 in controller B.
hope that helps.
larryglzParticipantLooks good. I used your same approach. I’ve yet to connect the valves though (18).