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psmedleyParticipantConfirming the Pi Zero 2 works fine with OSPi, swapped over today.
psmedleyParticipantThanks Ray, I’m currently using a Pi Zero, but took the chance of ordering a Zero 2 to replace it 🙂
psmedleyParticipantFinal version seems to run OK here – except at one site running OSPi, I forgot to backup the configuration before restarting ospi 🙁
psmedleyParticipantI’m using a Pi Zero here – I can’t remember if I soldered the header myself or ordered one with the header on it already.
psmedleyParticipantThe link to the latest API doc is
Looks like sn1 is the 1st sensor
psmedleyParticipantThe port for the opensprinkler is 8080 – what model is your router?
psmedleyParticipantIf you’re with Aussie, do you have a ‘real’ IPV4 address, or are you on CGNAT? For external access, I run a VPN server at home.
psmedleyParticipantGreat! I had fun last week down in Aldinga installing popups. Great to see the end result though!
psmedleyParticipantSing out if you need a hand, I’m about to set up a OSPi at our new holiday house in Aldinga Beach – just waiting for it to cool down to dig the trenches for the sprinklers!!
psmedleyParticipantI’m in Henley Beach – so probably not far from you! I’m using the ETo method of weather adjustment and it works great!
September 10, 2019 at 4:20 am in reply to: Announcing the new ET algorithm and weather service changes #62537
psmedleyParticipantHi Ray,
First, you may want to change your location a bit to see if you can obtain baseline. The query is based on some data extracted from a big map, it’s possible that your location just falls on the edge of some region but if you move around slightly it should get the baseline value.
Edit: I fixed this. I changed location slightly, hit submit to save the new location, then hit detect and it worked.
September 7, 2019 at 5:29 pm in reply to: Announcing the new ET algorithm and weather service changes #62500
psmedleyParticipantHi Ray,
Did you open the Adjustment Method Options dialog and click ‘Detect Baseline ETo’?
I’ve getting a error (Unable to detect baseline ETo: ETo data is not available for this location.(404)) when doing that here (Adelaide, South Australia).
Not sure where else to find baseline data from – I can access current data from
psmedleyParticipantI’ve seen some similar results here in Adelaide. Thankfully, it doesn’t rain much here 😛
psmedleyParticipantPossibly related, but we actually received some rain here in Adelaide yesterday – not much, only about 1.1mm. However, Opensprinkler turned the water down to 0% and showed that 28mm was received – almost like it was taking the number of mm recorded, thinking it was inches; then converted it to mm?
psmedleyParticipantThanks guys, the screen on my Opensprinkler Latch has stopped working recently, ordered a replacement from AliExpress.
psmedleyParticipantFor the record, seems the polarity on the Opensprinkler latch is the same as Bee – ie valve’s red wire should go to COM, and black wire should go to an individual zone port.
psmedleyParticipantWoot! FInally 🙂 cleaned up several joints that were close to the ground plane and now it’s up and running!
psmedleyParticipantHi Ray, thanks for the clarifications and tips. Will have a close look at the PCB later today and advise progress.
psmedleyParticipantOK, I’m an idiot. I soldered the 32.768KHz crystal into X1 not X3. rectifying now and will cross fingers.
(Edit) doesn’t appear to have helped – could I have damaged anything by installing X3 into X1? The instructions state ‘Please DO NOT solder the 25MHz crystal onto X1 (that would caused the Ethernet controller to stop working).’
Does ‘stop working’ == kill the chip? Assuming it does, will any of these work?
I think this one is correct?
psmedleyParticipantHI Ray, thanks for the response.
– there are no LED’s lit on the ethernet jack or on my network switch.
– I have tried DHCP on and off – still don’t get past ‘Connecting to network’I’ve removed the ethernet controller and there are no bent pins – i’ve checked the joints and they look ok. 25 Mhz crystal appears to be in correct location. will post photos shortly of front and back of pcb
Photo (front):
Photo (rear):
psmedleyParticipantI just confirmed that self test is working, and after leaving the kit powered for 10 minutes or so, it never seems to get past ‘Connecting to Network’ so appears its some issue with the networking IC. Would posting photos of the assembled PCB help?
I just assembled a 1.42u kit with little difficulty. Was impressed on testing voltages that they were all OK 🙂
Installed the IC’s and powered on and things didn’t get past ‘Connecting to Network’. Tried configuring static IP with no difference. Then I noticed that the router has no light to indicate a connection to the opensprinkler.
Any suggestions on where to start? I checked some of my soldering joints on the ethernet chip and a couple didn’t look great under magnification so I reflowed them but no change in behaviour.
Any suggestions where to look next?