Forum Replies Created
SamerKeymasterAwesome on the update! By the way I extracted Ray’s new logo from the PDF he provided and created a favicon using it available here:
SamerKeymaster@wyone I am glad you brought this up! Current status page was my second page developed and hasn’t been touched since then (minus the timer for running programs). Your suggestion is a much needed one! What I can do is make the current status highlight the current stations as shown on the bottom half along with the last run and rain delay if set everything else can be a button to show current settings nested inside the current status. I will whip this up and play with it see what works best and let you know!
SamerKeymasterApple Airport is just like any other router just a slightly different system to configure. Anyways, you can have multiple devices using port 80 since they all bind a local IP. The problem is being able to access multiple internal devices from the same port on your outside IP. If that is not your objective you do not need to worry about different ports. If it is you can change the port based on the startup command:
python 8081
Or you can setup port triggering to forward ports hitting your WAN to a different port on the inside device.
For the Airport setting up a static DHCP is typically pretty easy and reliable. This is what I have done. It is based on the MAC address.
There is no problem using switches versus a direct connection to the router.
If you have the Wifi hardware in place I am sure you just need to get your Pi connected via software. This guide might help but I have never used it:
Hope this helps!
SamerKeymasterI love your ideas haha! Okay so this has me thinking: I will make the current status/station on the home page become a slide down box from behind the header. This way when a program is found running, a panel animates down from the header (dark gray background similar to now). I basically have this working while still keeping everything on one page. Will share soon (working on styling a bit more and also checking stations in between the station delay time). Once I have these fixed/worked on I will push this and show some screenshots!
Update: Added a screenshot, the slide animation is pretty nice up/down. The cool thing in this update is I got the station delay passed from PHP to javascript. This allows me to set a timeout based on the station delay therefore knowing exactly when to probe the server for a new station running instead of constant HTTP request. I also got to keep everything on one page for the iPhone 5 and most Android devices.
SamerKeymaster@kenbob What do you mean by same line as current status? Do you think the status should be inside the list of buttons?
@djagerif I don’t think I want to add UI options especially since the UI is constantly changing. I understand you and @kenbob prefer it the old way however I am considering the current layout a stepping stone so hopefully we can reach a better compromise rather then just adding options.
@dman Exactly why I love it!
SamerKeymasterIs this any good?
It doesn’t require an API key (just suggests one) and seems to give rainfall data as well.
SamerKeymasterI am trying something new with the weather. Doing this because the logo in the header stacked above the weather was an eye sore, to me. I also liked when most of the menu was on one page on the iPhone. With that in mind I decided to float the weather next to the information menu (since it is also information). I like the output but I will leave it up to you guys!
SamerKeymaster@Zapp I added rain delay logging. I noticed some inaccuracies when using a old log file. I suggest wiping it if you have issues and starting with a fresh log. Let me know how this works.
SamerKeymasterIt turns out Dan has been posting updates on his own Github. This version does indeed fix all the problems and is properly dated June 26. The user @maddox discovered this earlier today, thanks!
Forum post:
SamerKeymaster@Zapp I added the favicon however I redid it using my original image because your’s had some artifacts. The stalk was uneven and the droplets of water were hard to visualize. However, mine sucks and needs improvement as well, I will work on it later.
SamerKeymaster@dman Just pushed those changes 😀 Thank you for the code! Saved me a lot of time working on the table. Let me know if you spot any issues. The only difference between your’s and mine is I managed to keep the count bubbles to show total runs in the header.
Also, I pushed a new icon and splash screens using the OpenSprinkler logo.
SamerKeymasterI like this a lot! I will try and get this updated! Do you have working code I could use? Or was that visually done? Either way, I like it a lot and will hopefully get that integrated soon.
SamerKeymaster@djagerif wrote:
I like the green status bar led and was wondering how would multiple active stations be presented?
Right now, it will only show the first zone it “sees” however I eventually plan on having it cycle through the active stations. I am still working out a lot of bugs with the status though and will add multiple station support after everything has been stabilized.
SamerKeymaster@Zapp that should be fairly easy to add actually. I will play with this and hopefully get it pushed soon. The display will be similar to rain sensor logs and will not distinguish between automatic versus manual rain delay. It will just show you the start time and duration of each change between rain delay enabled/disabled, if that makes sense. I do not have an easy way to distinguish between which method of rain delay was triggered but at least you will know when your OpenSprinkler was in rain delay.
SamerKeymasterI just added a new feature! This one will automatically disable manual mode at midnight. The reason for this feature is because I forgot manual mode on while testing and missed a scheduled program. This feature is disabled by default and enabled through the settings menu. The watcher will switch manual mode off at midnight if it is still enabled to ensure programs continue running.
Please let me know if this has any problems and again it is disabled by default.
Update: This feature is not available on the hosted web app (
SamerKeymaster@matt I would still check all the times are correct. Check the Raspbian time, check the timezone is correct on the OSPi program, and make sure when testing your putting the time after the current time.
Update: Make sure manual mode is not on either.
SamerKeymasterI just added one of @kenbob’s suggestions and I like this one! If a program is running a footer will appear on the bottom of the main page and show a green icon with the running program and current station along with the remaining time. I plan to expand more from this point but this is the first version. Let me know what you think, attached is a screenshot:
Update: The timer now automatically counts down!
SamerKeymaster@matt Since this issue is most likely not related to my web app I recommend you start a new post to get the best exposure. I did look through screenshot and everything looks fine. Not sure what is causing the issue. It is most likely related to the interval application on the OSPi. What version are you using?
SamerKeymaster@matt wrote:
Great job to all involved in this project! I have set up a new OSPi and have one last issue with my setup that is causing the scheduled programs not to run. I can run each station manually or run the Run-Once Program without any problem, but the schedule doesn’t seem to be kicking off even though it shows correctly in the Program Preview. I’m not sure what I am missing.
I do not think the problem is related to my mobile front-end. My application does not run any schedules it just relays information between your mobile/desktop to the OpenSprinkler. If programs are not running you need to check the following things:
1) Is the device time correct?
2) Is the program set to start/end at the correct time?
3) Is a rain delay active?
4) Is the interval greater than 0? If the interval is 0 no program will run. If you do not wish to use the interval feature set it to a very large value.
5) If you are still having issues, check the device directly without using my frontend to help discover the problem.Hope that helps!
SamerKeymaster@kenbob wrote:
I have been really pleased with this mobile app and all the hard work you have done salbahra. It looks very professional.
Here are some suggestions that you may consider if you like. If you have already covered or discussed any of this please forgive me. 😕
Option to edit Opensprinkler IP Address
Option to change the password for Opensprinkler
Option to change the password for Mobile Web App
5 Day Weather forcast next to the new current temp (really not important)
Show the station that is currently running on the main page
Show a 7 day Program Preview of the stations or have an additional button to view
Stop all stations should have a message box warning to proceed
Move the System Information section above the Program Control on the main pageThank you very much! In regard to your suggestions:
1,2,3) There are multiple reasons I cannot do this (for now). The first one is security. The variables are stored in a configuration file which is actually a PHP file. If I allow strings to be manipulated a larger number of things go awry, especially from a security standpoint. I would have to meticulously validate all input to overcome this. I will see what I can do however it is my guess that most user’s wont be changing the device’s IP if setup correct to begin with (static IP or static DHCP reservation). Also, I do not allow the password to be changed on the OpenSprinkler through my mobile app and thus do not allow the configuration to be changed. I think these things, for now, need to be handled through the native OpenSprinkler GUI.
4) I do not have enough room to cram the forecast in the space next to the temperature on mobile devices and thus have spent no time bringing that information in. It is possible to allow “scrolling” of the weather on narrow screens and a full forecast on wider screens but I really don’t think Yahoo! weather information is the best source of forecast information. A lot of user’s seem interested in me switching to Weather Underground and allowing user’s to set an API key to use the service. This is something I am looking into however I really do not expect this to come to fruition. The main hesitation I have with this is most weather app’s on mobile will be far superior to anything I will create and show much better information. I really just wanted a quick overview of the weather and was happy with that. Again, not saying anything is final but that is where I stand on the issue. If anyone wants to patch/modify the code and push the changes to the main branch please do and let me know! I would be glad to help in this endeavor.
5) This is something I really want and just have not had time to incorporate in. I will say, expect this feature soon!
6) I am having trouble fitting one day’s program on the screen and seriously doubt I could find a way to fit 7 days. I realize you are probably using a desktop or large screen device but this project started for the iPhone and matured from there. My experience is designed around the iPhone and I really don’t see a feasible way to achieve this on such a small screen.
7) I was actually debating this and after your suggestion am sure I need this. Expect this soon!
8) I like this suggestion and will push this soon as well!
Thank you again for all the feedback!
SamerKeymasterGreat find, sorry about that! This was poor coding that I accounted for with the 2/0 jumps which “worked” but not for everyone. I fixed this now, please let me know if its resolved.
SamerKeymasterIt’s a multiplier of time. 100% is the default and takes whatever duration you have set in your programs. 150% is 1.5x the time duration for your station and 50% is half, for example.
SamerKeymasterI already support everything about v2.0 and didn’t realize it had a max of 5 (wasn’t documented). It’s a simple fix and will be pushed out soon.
Update: I made this change and I also re-tweaked the menu’s. The “stop all stations” was used frequently enough that having it buried made it hard to find/use. I also have everything alphabetically sorted at this point (except for the side panel).
SamerKeymaster@momanz I redid the settings and organized them all together into the settings button on the top right. From that page you can directly edit the station names, change device options or use the system control list. I think this is a nice consolidation of all settings and also should help with the accidental enable on/off. I also like that editing station names isn’t below the device options anymore. Please let me know what you think of this!
For anyone who has noticed today, the preview was broken. I went ahead and fixed that bug.
SamerKeymasterThe rain delay changes just got pushed! I have lightly tested this so please let me know how this is working for you.
By the way, @andrew please continue to submit trivial changes, they are actually very important. I think this change exposes auto-delay options to a wider audience. I also think it fixes the dialog problems with the rain delay option before. I never thought of bringing them together before you mentioned it.