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MichaelMemberNo Samir.. for some reason the firmware based one does not work. It wont show programs from the mobile jquery app.
I suggest just saving a copy of this tar file I made from the image.. It is the firmeware based 1.8.3 OSPi interval program but it works fine with the jquery app you wrote.
Thanks for all the work. I am not sure where you find the time, I know yours is a busy profession.
MichaelMemberOH I found a may version of the interval program in the image here… solved my problems 🙂
grab it if you ever feel you need it..
MichaelMemberOh I had assumed that was a function of the interval program?? No? How did the web app poll?
Too bad there is not at least a frozen version of both the old (1.8.3) firmware version of the Interval program and the j-query app that work together even if they are no longer supported. It seems the only bug is the programs not viable. The only way I can make them work is an old backup and my backup is very old 🙁
Is it easy to roll back commits to the interval program (perhaps I should ask Dan)
MichaelMemberI can not find where you change the automatic rain delay in the new mobile app? I can not find automatic rain delay configuration in the interval program either?
MichaelMemberOh I liked the common interface across all platforms.
The reason I like it still, for home automation (sprinklers are probably the exception) I like that a guest can just type my RPI’s name in their mobile browser and automatically get the tools they need without having to install an app.
Samir.. Does the mobile app standalone and not need internet like the modification we made to the web app?
MichaelMemberor in summery should the mobile web app work with version 2.0 of the intervol program. It does not appear to do ? only the native mobie apps.
MichaelMemberSadly since I updated to the latest 1.8.3 interval firmware (not 2.0) at I was no longer able to see or modify any programs from within the web app. All other functions were OK and the interval program worked fine but the mobile app kept saying there are no programs even if they are available in the interval program.
I even wiped my OSPi directory clean and tried to start from scratch.
I had to revert to an old backup from last year so now sadly I can not use the new native apps and am stuck …. Has anybody had success with the latest version of the interval and the latest version of the web app (the one by Samer)?
What are the minimum requirements for the latest web app? the native moblie app works with 2.0 but not the web app.
MichaelMember@ChaoscripT wrote:
Another 2 questions please:
1. To connect the RPi, I need also to connect MicroUSB or the 24V transporter is enough ?
2. Can I use Heatsticks with the OpenSprinkler Board? (or it will not fit?)Regards.
1. The 24V transformer is all you need. The OSPi board provides power to the Pi via the GPIO pins.
2. Heatsinks should fit the Raspberry Pi sits on top of the OSPi.
MichaelMember@alanwbaker wrote:
It all comes down to whom you trust. And the truly paranoid (like me 😉 ) wonder whether the proprietary VPN software is secure. Vendors always say, “Trust me”, but (for example) the Asus RT-N66U is a poster child for unearned trust. See
Thanks Alan… Interesting article but I was specifically referring to, and use the standard PPTP VPN service in the router. The vulnerability referenced here is related to their proprietary AICloud service where you turn a locally connected USB drive on the router into internet accessible storage with their service. I don’t use that and is not applicable to the VPN server or any OSPI implementation. A lot of routers have the PPTP VPN server built-in along with any Windows PC or you can install it on the RPi like described in this thread.
MichaelMemberWhat I do is simply enable and configure the easy to use built-in VPN server on my router (Asus RT-N66U). With an encrypted connection between the router and client you are safe and don’t have to worry about encrypting all your home automation (assuming you use security on your home wifi) most all smart phones and computers have a built in PPTP client. Just remember to use encryption.
Otherwise If you use Samir’s mobile web app configured on your RPI using https you should also be better off than going directly to the interval program with http. This way the only http unencrypted traffic will be confined within the localhost. But this is more to configure.
Even if you just use the VPN option above, the mobile app will also make life much nicer because it is formatted well for the mobile environment.
MichaelMemberI see.. you can make an external script that php calls but too many variables and a few security holes to make.
Using the weather and making it an option would work. I definitely would want to choose to auto update or not and or perhaps choose to have the system report the need for an update?
MichaelMemberGood compromise Samer. Thanks works fine.
MichaelMemberYes Doug… but the way the program is setup now it wont work at all without the internet, you won’t even be able to use it in manual mode. The system will still run but you wont’ be able to use the mobile app. I also don’t see any reason to have the js and css files (unless I am missing something) hosted on the internet at various sites when they can be local for better performance.
So far I took Samer’s suggestion and created a fork on github with the proposed changes and sent him a proposal.
Now when there is no internet connection, the app still works and just does not give you the weather window but you can still control your system. It also will not load css and java script files from the internet when you launch it.
Samer.. can you take a look at github?
MichaelMemberOk so far I copied the .js and .css files over into the css and js directory and updated index.php so they run local. Now the system works without internet access.
I also commented out the part about the google fonts. I don’t seem to need it?
MichaelMemberHi Samer..
I know your busy.. quick petty question. I am kind of a jQuery Noob. Any reason some of the css and js files are hosted on cloudflare (and in the case of the fonts, on the googleapi server) and others are locally installed on the local web server? It appears to make it necessary to have an internet connection?
MichaelMemberHere is an interesting option …..
MichaelMemberThe new interval program now supports more than 16 characters for station names. Any chance of removing the limitation in the mobile app or is that for backwards comparability?
I have the same problem as soon as I updated to the Oct 4 version of the interval program, the mobile app says that “System Disabled” even though the Interval program is working fine. I completely reinstalled the interval program and the mobile app but it did not help. My git is synced.
MichaelMemberLooks good!
MichaelMember@salbahra wrote:
Update 2: I do still plan on incorporating @nate’s suggestion to the flat theme.
You mean the dividers for the table lists ? Yea I agree the underline is bad. I like nate’s borders.
@salbahra wrote:I know someone will say, why not call the new default, default.
Yea perhaps the word “Legacy” or “Original” ? 🙂
Thanks for being accommodating Not sure where you find the time..
MichaelMemberYes Nate this is what I ment…. That is great the top with borders is better. I also notice the upper most left icon/button is missing on your iPhone too. It appears on my android. Odd. Could be a bug? I think the logo is fine…it is a logo.. Soft and anti-aliased.
MichaelMemberThanks Samir…. You should still probably see why that upper left button disappears on an ipad? I guess my only main concern is the lack of definition for table rows and columns when you have no borders in the tables. It is hard to see where to click. Perhaps if each row or column alternated shades of grey or had a light grey or white border still. I do like the default theme though and it matches another JQuery automation app we use. The app is nice thanks for the time you spent. I would not worry much about the logo I can make a small one but I only just know how resize that on in photoshop so it would look the same.
MichaelMemberHere is the sample image with missing button…
MichaelMemberThe upper right button in the header for settings does not appear on my iPad … It only appears on my android.. I like weather the way it is. Actually I miss the old theme. With the old theme I liked the divider lines between buttons like for selecting days of the week in the program.. It was more intuitive. Don’t change too much… The nice feature of the mobile app is its simplicity.
MichaelMember@Dan in CA wrote:
That’s interesting. Whenever I try that it never works.
What is your setup like? Wifi, hardwared?
I am using wifi. I did not know there were defaults if you did not specify anything. That makes sense since it is in the config that way. This is what my rc.local looks like and I have no issues, I have apache running on 80 for samer’s website and the interval program on 8080 so I can access both websites as needed.
#wait to make sure everything is ready to go (probably not needed)
sleep 30
#run a script that periodically makes sure wifi is running
/bin/sh / &# change to the /OSPi directory
cd /OsPi/
# run the interval program
/usr/bin/python &Here is what the network monitor script looks like, This helps because sometimes my router may reboot and I want the pi to reconnect if there is any issue. It checks every 5 minutes for a connection. I found it somewhere on the web I forget who wrote it sorry for not giving credit.
while true ; do
if /sbin/ifconfig wlan0 | grep -q “inet addr:” ; then
sleep 600
echo “Network connection down! Attempting reconnection.”
/sbin/ifup –force wlan0
sleep 10