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  • in reply to: Operation always show "off" #25657


    I pushed some updates today that largely bridge the compatibility issues with the new OSPi program. The only issue left is with the device options. I will deal with this when I get time however the app does work in a somewhat limited fashion.

    Thank you for your patience.

    Update: This should be completely fixed at this point. The only thing required is Dan approving a code change to OSPi and everyone updating to the latest software.

    in reply to: port forwarding question #25670


    Just visit or google: IP

    This will show you your WAN IP

    in reply to: Operation always show "off" #25655


    The entire code base is changing for OSPi and it’s not practical for me to continue updating for something that isn’t static. With that said, I would love to update the code to keep up but don’t have the time for it. I’m waiting for a decision to be made on the OSPi development.

    In the meantime, Dan has forked his code between the old and new (breaking) changes. You can downgrade your OSPi software for now.

    in reply to: Operation always show "off" #25653


    Okay, this problem is obviously related to Dan’s recent firmware change. I will have a fix soon.

    Update: I take that back, the problem is pretty extensive. It seems contributions from various authors have merged causing some compatibility issues. These issues require updates on both ends and will take some time, hopefully within the week.

    in reply to: Operation always show "off" #25650


    The update available means your version is out of sync. Not sure why the git client says it is up to date? Don’t have enough knowledge to tell you how to fix git however I will suggest backing up your logs, user files, and config and maybe try a fresh clone, just to test?

    in reply to: Operation always show "off" #25647


    Are you using the copy on Ray’s server or the installed version? Also, does the app work and just the slider is incorrect? Or, is the app also not functioning?

    Thank you!

    Update: A partial fix has been pushed with a full fix expected soon.

    in reply to: Mobile Web App with Screenshots (Updated) #24290


    Are you using the copy on Ray’s server or the installed version? Also, does the app work and just the slider is incorrect? Or, is the app also not functioning?


    in reply to: Mobile Web App with Screenshots (Updated) #24288


    Not sure why you are getting the error if you PHP is up to date. Nonetheless, I have updated the code to check if the function is available and fallback to putenv if it is not.

    Let me know if this works a bit better for you, thanks.

    in reply to: One controller at a time? #25113



    No problem and thanks for letting me know.

    in reply to: One controller at a time? #25111


    I have pushed the new changes for multiple sites to Ray’s copy of the hosted web app. Please try the new version and let me know how this works!

    What’s missing:
    – portable configuration (currently it is per device)
    – renaming a site (but you can delete/add)

    in reply to: One controller at a time? #25110


    As an update, this functionality is almost done. The only thing left is editing currently stored sites.

    I did discover one limitation, per device configuration. For one site, this wasn’t a big deal but configuring multiple sites can be annoying. I will see what I can do in the future.

    in reply to: Mobile App install problem? #25623


    Glad part of your problem was solved!

    The other half of your problem sounds like a problem with the cache file. It probably did not get created or does not have correct permissions. Check the location you provided or the location of index.php for a .cache file. If it exists, is it empty? If not, create it and give it writable permission.

    in reply to: One controller at a time? #25109


    Correct, thats because local storage is per domain and since both iframe’s are accessing the same domain ( they will use the same data store.

    Regardless, this is an important feature that I will add into the hosted web app by this weekend, hopefully.

    in reply to: One controller at a time? #25107


    Are you using the web app hosted by Ray? Or do you have a server and running the code yourself? I ask because the implementation is different.

    It is very easy to add multiple sites into Ray’s version. In fact, I can have this done by the weekend using the current system as it is.

    However, if you are using your own copy, I will have to think about the best way to implement that. The easiest would be to allow the user to configure the OpenSprinkler IP just like the hosted web app. From there, I treat it similar to the hosted copy.

    Let me know, thanks!

    in reply to: Mobile Web App with Screenshots (Updated) #24284


    Thank you @JerryAllen for the compliments! There is a similiar project on going right now by @Vaughano available here: I would be more than happy to help just let me know after you glance over things what specifically you need to know.

    Also, the configuration is exported to localStorage of the browser/device. At the very least, iOS backs up localStorage so exported configurations on iOS devices are fairly safe.

    in reply to: Mobile Web App with Screenshots (Updated) #24282


    Fixed a few cosmetic things now that iOS 7 is out. I’ve really switched my preference to the flat theme which goes along with iOS 7 a bit better.

    Hope the app is working well for everyone.

    in reply to: Mobile Web App with Screenshots (Updated) #24281


    Everything you have discussed is related to the firmware.

    If you put the IP:Port in your address bar instead of the web app you will notice the native firmware giving you the same information.

    As for the invalid IP, have you ensured your not using a local IP?

    The interval duration is a parameter required by OpenSprinkler firmware. Using 0 prevents a program from running hence my advice about setting it high.

    Update: My web app is just a nice front end to Ray’s firmware and cross compatible with Dan’s OSPi program.

    in reply to: Mobile Web App with Screenshots (Updated) #24279


    My best guess: you used the devices local IP. You mention the girlfriends iPhone was on the same network as the OpenSprinkler therefore thinking it is okay to use the LAN IP however rayshobby is a relay. As a result, you have to use an IP Ray’s server can communicate with.

    in reply to: Mobile Web App with Screenshots (Updated) #24276


    @vaziimolo Could you please provide some context/information? The same questions above apply to your scenario as well. Sorry but there are different firmwares and different mobile apps. If we’re not all on the same page we could go back and forth for days with no resolution.


    in reply to: Mobile Web App with Screenshots (Updated) #24274


    @c1wren That is odd. The only thing I can imagine is the port is somehow incorrect. First few questions:

    1) Are you using the micro controller or the Raspberry Pi version?
    1b) If your using Raspberry Pi, are you using Dan’s OSPi program?

    2) What port are you telling the web app to use?
    Note: If you are using the micro controller, don’t bother setting a port unless you are using a non-default port.
    If you are using the OSPi program, the default is 8080 (use by appending, :8080 to your IP).

    3) Both your options sound like they are on a remote network compared to the OpenSprinkler itself, are you using a public IP?
    Note: If the IP begins with 192.168, 172.16, or 10 it is a private IP. Use to find your WAN IP.

    in reply to: Incorporating other information into station log #25511


    In this situation, being a nit-picky thing, I will wait until your working copy is merged in and then do some post-merge tidying. But I get what you are saying about pulling my changes before pushing, makes sense.

    Thank you!

    in reply to: Incorporating other information into station log #25509


    By the way, the get logs function has become clunky which is 100% my fault. I should make those hide/show into proper functions so we don’t have to keep declaring things all over the place. I can do one of two things, I can push some changes to your Github branch timeline-logs or I can wait until you are done and it is merged with my line and make some changes.

    More of a Git/Github topic now but if I made changes to my copy now and later merged your changes, what would happen to my changes? Would they get overwritten?

    Update: Even the navigation elements can be condensed. By the way, if it helps for testing purposes, you can setup an array in PHP and send the JSON using one line:

    echo json_encode($array);

    This way you can generate random code based on some loops and see the results?

    Also, I have some code early in main.php (Line 32) do demonstrate how to set new options such as an upgrade or new install situation. This makes the new option in config.php but uses pretty limiting filter to prevent injection which is integer conversion. Initially, this seemed great for 1/0 situations. I also adapted it for auto rain delay duration setting. But I have a feeling we might be reaching the limit if you need to configure a web source for the data.

    I am thinking we can do a cross-domain to the other service instead. This way you are not relaying data around through web servers. The client should get a quicker result. The best part is JSONP is allowed to be cross-domain but regardless we could add the cross-domain header if the IP was configured in the settings.

    in reply to: Incorporating other information into station log #25506


    That’s awesome! The only suggestion I have is renaming it from timeline to it’s actual name? something like water pressure? The only reason I mention it is because the logs first two options represent water timing per station whereas the timeline in your modification seems to do water pressure?

    Subsequently, we can make the 3rd tab only appear if a setting is present to show logged pressures. This is done in config.php and basically enables/disables reporting of the data if its available. You could also add options to point to the data if needed.

    Let me know what you think though

    Update: I just looked through your code, you nailed it! Looks awesome can’t wait until its smoothed out.

    in reply to: Incorporating other information into station log #25503


    By the way I should note two things.

    First, the documentation and original javascript:

    Second, the code I am using for my mobile app is slightly modified. I commented the portion of the code that alphabetically sorted items which allowed me to manually sort them. I could not find an API hook for disabling it, but if you do let me know.

    in reply to: List of Direct HTTP GET commands #25518


    That is the correct list for the OpenSprinkler. The OSPi interval program available on the Raspberry Pi has an additional option as you mentioned, rp. It also accepts custom commands set in

    If you look at number 1 on the PDF you linked, you will see an option named: rsn. This is the stop all stations command you are after. To get the status of rain delay you can grab the home page and parse the javascript variable rd.

    This is a sample homepage result:

    You can get the variables you are after using the following regex in PHP (the regex can of course be used in any PCRE programming language):

    preg_match_all("/(ver|devt|nbrd|tz|en|rd|rs|mm|rdst|mas|urs|wl|ipas)=[w|d|."]+/", $data, $matches);

    In this example, $data is a string holding the home page result as shown above.

    Hope this helps.

    Update: I don’t think there is an easy way to get the next run-time without cycling days in preview mode and finding matches. Probably not very difficult but could be slow assuming your next run time is days/weeks in the future.

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