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  • in reply to: OpenSprinkler App/UI 1.4.0 #36076


    Gave me quite a shock when I just loaded my OpenSprinkler page! Anyway, I do like the new look, couple of questions:
    – afer jumping to a few pages using the new menu, how do I get back to the new “home” screen? Couldn’t figure out how to do this.
    – I understand the graph caused issues, but I did like to see the graph of % watering (I’m using the automatic option). Any chance of just getting this graphed?
    – the mobile page on my Galaxy S5 shows a notification icon (woth a note for me to update firmware). I don’t see this on my desktop version (WIndows 7, Chrome).

    Basically minor issues…..

    in reply to: Weather Adjustment Not Changing over 2 weeks #35570


    Thanks Ray. As so often, the mere fact of posting and getting a response gets you thinking! My device was set to static IP and could be accessed on the local network, but not remotely. I tried setting it using DHCP, and then the Zimmerman calculation was working! Looks like it may be an issue with my router. Almost looks like an IP clash – but I’m using the same IP as my previous OpenSprkler (which is off the network). Anyway, I have reset it now as a fixed host on my router and DHCP on teh OpenSprinkler and everything is working fine.  Thanks again.

    in reply to: Weather Adjustment Not Changing over 2 weeks #35549


    Ray, I am having a similar issue. I can’t connect to my Opensprinkler remotely, and the weather adjustment isn’t changing. My device is hardware version 2.2, app version 1.2.8, running 2.1.2 firmware. I previously has an earlier version of Opensprinkler and it worked fine. I use dynamic DNS and port fowarding. This is working fine for other devices on my home network. I’ve even set it up as port 80 as well on my external interfact (ie external IP port 80 mapping to Opensprinkler port 80. I’ve seen a few threads saying this is fixed, and also that multiples of 3 programs may cause issues. I had 3 program, but added a fourth (inactive) one and are still seeing issues. Don’t know what to try next….
    Cheers, dman

    in reply to: Mobile Web App with Screenshots (Updated) #24176


    Not very familiar with GitHub but will give it a go. I crated an account and I’ve added an issue regarding saving the run-once parameters – I don’t know how to add a label yet…. Is this how we should procede for feature requests/bugs etc?

    in reply to: Mobile Web App with Screenshots (Updated) #24139


    Love the new layout – like the weather panel. Now all the buttons fit nicely on the single page of my Galaxy S3.

    in reply to: Mobile Web App with Screenshots (Updated) #24131


    Yes – it’s from a real page. I have attached the code – its something I hacked using the original logging script and playing with jquery – you’re welcome to any of it you can use! The log page starts about line 90.
    (warning – I’m not a programmer – so apologies for any style gaffes!)

    in reply to: Mobile Web App with Screenshots (Updated) #24129


    Actually now have some data in my log file and scrolling thorugh the entries – as a possible feature request I’m wondering if the log display might work better as a table inside a collapsible list?

    in reply to: Mobile Web App with Screenshots (Updated) #24113


    Thanks Sam – all good now on preview. Checked on Win7/Chrome and GalaxyS3/Android/Chrome.

    in reply to: Mobile Web App with Screenshots (Updated) #24111


    In the program preview each right icon click advances 2 days, and left icon click zero days back. Not really a programmer, but looks like in the code it uses changeday(2) and changeday(0) – is this a bug. Should this be changeday(1)and changeday(-1) ?

    in reply to: Mobile Web App with Screenshots (Updated) #24058


    @salbahra wrote:

    Haha everyone wakes up when I goto sleep 😛

    You have lots of fans in Australia!!
    PS: Yahoo have about 50 codes for snow/rain etc and only one for hot! If they were Aussies it’d be the other way round 😀 (missing ones for very hot, extremely hot and stinkong hot and a few other words!)

    in reply to: Mobile Web App with Screenshots (Updated) #24054


    @salbahra wrote:

    If the weather is returning code 3200 (undefined) then no icon is shown. Try this:

    Replace WOEID with the code you have (if you know it) and paste the line similar to the one below:

    Update: I just resolved your area’s WOEID and got 1102170, which does indeed report 3200. I will see about re-centering the temperature on code 3200 so it at least doesn’t look weird.

    Update 2: I pushed an update to remove the allocated space for the image if code 3200 is reported. This should re-center the temperature right above the location and make it look more appropriate.

    This sorts out the display, but I’m not sure what happens if AutomaticRainDelay is enabled and gets a 3200 back. I guess as its not either a reset code or a delay code it falls out and does a reset?

    in reply to: Mobile Web App with Screenshots (Updated) #24053


    Seeing I was giving the new version a full workout thought I’d let you know some program preview issues I’ve seen.

    Bugs in program preview on Win7 & Chrome
    On the program previous screen I get this:[attachment=2:2odwybk8]os4.PNG[/attachment:2odwybk8]
    Don’t see this on phone (Android/Chrome) or PC Firefox. Anyway the up/down button advance/decrement the displayed date. If I advance to 31 Juy (not a date!) I get a screen with Nan for columns:[attachment=1:2odwybk8]preview1.PNG[/attachment:2odwybk8]
    I also get this if I press the blue X next to up/down button – but it then displays:[attachment=0:2odwybk8]preview2.PNG[/attachment:2odwybk8]
    Pressing the up/down button still advances the dd part, but leaves the other parts of the format string eg: 02/mm/yyyy
    On Firefox (PC) there is no way to change date apart from actual edit the date on the screen and refresh.
    And I on Android the only way seems to bring up date picker (no advance 1 day feature?).
    Also on Android the scroll left/right does’nt work to see the full hours of the day – so I can only see a 2-hour window of the preview.

    in reply to: Mobile Web App with Screenshots (Updated) #24051


    Thanks for that fix – it looks better centred. I’ll do some searching to see what Yahoo are up to as the icon looks nice! -maybe I should move house 😉
    Also as a quickie, I edited main.php and added “&u=c” to the yahoo api call to get degress celsius. (saw this during one of my searches, so don’t know about API documentation for this). Still prints F – but the displayed data is C. Maybe a setup option for this?

    in reply to: Mobile Web App with Screenshots (Updated) #24047


    Hi Samer – love OS and this app!
    I’m trying to get weather working – if I use my towns name ‘Geelong’ I get this:
    – no weather icon. I checked Yahoo and Geelong comes up fine, and the woeid in config looks correct as well – any ideas.
    If I change via the app to Melbourne (which is nearby) it works fine:
    Not a big deal – but a bit weird.

    UPDATE: Been doing some more digging. is now showing an “N/A” image (an actual image of a globe with NA on it), but correct data and forecasts is showing correct icon as well as details.
    Obviously a Yahoo API thing (and nothing to do with the app) – but a bit annoying. Maybe an option for other weather sources?

    in reply to: Using a Raspberry Pi with OpenSprinkler #23213


    Just had another look at the Sprinklers.php posted by Dan. Although he has the OpenSprinkler at in his instructions, and in the first part of the php file, there are a couple of references to later in the code. If you edit these to be the same as your OpenSprinkler IP you also get the next weeks schedule printed after the logs. Even better, if you enable a rain delay, you see the schedules that won’t be run in red!
    Didn’t even realise that was there – an added bonus – great work Dan!

    in reply to: Intermittent logging behaviour #23326


    Still getting intermittant failure of the logging script. It seems like the Python scripts has locked up. How do I find out whats happening? Is there an error log I can check out?
    I think it might be when the Opensprinkler server does not respond quickly enough to the UrlOpen request. If I run the script in the foreground without the deamon stuff and wait a while until it locks, when I exit the scripts it looks like it was in the url libraries.
    I’m thinking there should be some sort of error/timeout wrapper around the call to to OpenSprinkler? Any thoughts?

    in reply to: Using a Raspberry Pi with OpenSprinkler #23208


    Not sure I fully understand the tech details on rerouting Rays site aradke – but sounds interesting! I’ll certainly be keen to try out your system (in Oz also – Geelong, Vic- but don’t have any real issues with speed on the interface – but quicker is always better!).
    I’m currently running the logger as well as using the RPi as a network print server for an attached USB printer, but if you’re after some beta testers let me know.

    in reply to: Using a Raspberry Pi with OpenSprinkler #23206


    Dan – looking forward to getting this up and running. I have fixed IP for both my existing R-Pi and OpenSprinkler – but I can edit the python, PHP and java files easily to make the changes. However I also customise my Opensprinkler firmware to change MAC address as I have both a v.1.0 and v.1.4 running on my network and it didn’t like duplicate MAC’s.
    You supply the HEX file for the firmware – can you also post the actual source code, or tell me what has changed in the Arduino code? I was hoping that the logging could be all external so I don’t have to reprogram my OpenSprinkler (which is a bit of a challenge under Windows) – just change the exteranl button image and intercept the weather call to the new logging page???
    EDIT: Just realised my question is dumb – obvioulsy need to change where the Opensprinkler looks for java from Rays page to the local server – any other changes?

    in reply to: Got logging working on Raspberry Pi #23220


    The Raspberry pi idea sounds good, but I was wondering if anyone knows a simple webserver that would run on a windows box to do the logging. I have a small netbook runnning logging software for my solar panel array – has to be windows. I am currently running moongoose server on this box that handles PHP, but not cron jobs. I’d like to use this box to host the opensprinkler javascript files and run the logging scripts. Its relatively underpowered, so I don’t really want the full XAMP thing – any ideas?
    I may actually be better off just using the Raspberry Pi idea in the end, so looking forward to trying this method when Dan uploads the image.

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