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  • in reply to: WInterizing – OS COntroller in freezing temps? #76571


    Yes, it’s ok.

    in reply to: Flow Monitoring #76553


    OpenSprinkler firmware displays the real-time flow rate at the bottom of the homepage, whether zones are running or not. When a program finishes running, it logs the total volume during the program run (unfortunately it doesn’t log per zone because zones are allowed to run in parallel so there is no easy way to tell which zone consumed how much water).

    in reply to: Rain Delay problem #76509


    I am not aware of this issue for ESP8266. Are you sure it’s the same as what’s reported in this thread? The issue reported here is that when you manually set a rain delay time, the display shows a year that’s way off. This has nothing to do with rain sensor, and it only happens on Raspberry Pi 64-bit system. I’ve not seen any report of this for ESp8266.

    in reply to: Rain Delay problem #76482


    This issue has been fixed in firmware branch os33:
    we will release it in soon. This only happens on arm64, and does not happen on any other platform. It’s due to arm64 implemented ultoa function differently than other platforms.

    in reply to: After Android Update 2.3.2 Problems #76477


    The OpenSprinkler firmware user manual is on our support website:

    The device password is by default opendoor unless if you have changed it. If you don’t remember anymore, you can use the on-board buttons to set the controller to ignore password. The firmware user manual explains how.

    If you have OpenSprinkler Pi, there are no buttons you can use to reset the password. Unfortunately there you will have to ssh to your RPi, or connect it to a keyboard and monitor, and delete the configurations files to trigger a factory reset. You can, however, save your configuration files to a different folder in order to recover settings later.


    Thanks. I deleted the image attachment in your post because it contained order number which I think should be hidden from public forum. Thanks for your understanding.


    Do you have an OpenSprinkler 3.x? (i.e. 3.0 3.1 or 3.2)? If so, you can upgrade your firmware to 2.2.0(2) and use OTC token. It goes through the secure server for remote access.

    in reply to: Darksky seems to be EOL and not allowed anymore! #76398


    Which weather adjustment method are you using? Please note that Zimmerman and ETo use different weather data: Zimmerman uses historic data while ETo uses forecast data.

    in reply to: Parallel grouping of stations with 2.2.0 OSPi firmware #76397


    Well the situation you described is exactly why it’s complicated to implement the two-level grouping feature. What happens if a group is supposed to run but then a user also want to manually operate one zone in the group? It’s non-trivial to clearly define the logic. Say zones 1, 2, 3 are in parallel group P1, what if P1 is currently running (i.e. all of zones 1, 2, 3 must be running) while the user also wants to stop zone 1 individually? Should that be allowed? Which should take priority? Also, if P1 is running and the user manually starts zone 1 again for a different period of time, what should zone 1’s duration be? Without a clearly defined logic, the firmware will not have predictable behavior. I don’t think any one implementation can meet all users’ need. I’ve seen a lot of different requests for scheduler features, some of them conflict with each other. So I am afraid one firmware can’t fit everyone’s need. But the project is open-source so you can always modify the firmware in any way you want to fit your need.

    in reply to: Parallel grouping of stations with 2.2.0 OSPi firmware #76392


    Well what you wanted would be a two-level grouping feature: parallel at the bottom level, and sequential at the top level. That is more complicated than what the firmware can do at the moment. The sequential groups are suitable in cases that different zones are on different water supply lines therefore each group has to run in sequence but different groups can run in parallel.

    In your case, you can always set all zones to the parallel group and then just use multiple programs to schedule different zones to run at different times.

    in reply to: After Android Update 2.3.2 Problems #76376


    Sorry to hear about that. Will be taking a look at this issue right away.


    No, it’s not a bug. This is documented in the user manual, it is in granularity of 5 seconds. We have to balance the granularity vs. range — some users wanted extra long station delay time. The firmware uses only 1 byte to store the station delay time (as with all other options too), so we need to make a tradeoff between the granularity and range. Does 3 seconds vs. 5 seconds make that much difference to you?

    in reply to: 2 Stations at one Time #76347


    You can set a master on adjustment to have master turn on a few seconds before zones.

    I understand the idea of logic zones, but it can significantly complicate the firmware and UI design. We have to think of a lot of cases and how they should be handled. For example, should logic zones have their own attributes? (i.e. master activation, ignore rain delay etc. and sequential group), if so does its attributes take over each zone’s attributes? It also creates complications when the logic zone is being turned on or off while the user also wants to turn on or off one of the zones that belong to the logic group. Which one takes priority? So if we implement it, there will have to be some very strong restrictions on what are allowed and what are not allowed.

    in reply to: Expander zone stuck on “open” #76306


    If you have an AC-powered OpenSprinkler but you are using a DC power adapter (i.e. adapter outputs DC voltage instead of AC voltage) that can result in this symptom.

    If that’s not the case, and if this is just happening on one zone but not all zones, then it’s likely that zone is defective. You should file a support ticket and arrange for a replacement.

    in reply to: Specify weather server on v2.16 / 2.17 firmware? #76295


    If you type in the following in a browser, does it show an input box to change weather server?
    where your_os_ip is your OpenSprinkler’s IP address.

    in reply to: IBC-Box with full sensor #76282


    Sorry, I do not understand the question. Are you asking why the program only runs once as opposed to repeating? Is this the question?

    in reply to: Firmware 2.2.0(1) official released #76273


    The name is just a descriptive name for you to remember which device it is. You can put in any name you want. The important thing is you need to add a new device/site, and choose add using ‘OTC token’. Then copy and paste your OTC token there.

    Did you take a look at our tutorial video? It shows you step by step instructions on how to get OTC to work and how to use it.

    the third video explains all new features of the firmware.

    in reply to: 2 Stations at one Time #76272


    Depending on which firmware you are using, earlier firmwares have a ‘sequential’ flag per zone. By removing the ‘sequential’ flag you can have the zone run with other zones in parallel. The current firmware has a ‘sequential group’ feature which is more flexible. You can put zones into different sequential groups. Zones in the same sequential group are serialized and run one after another; zones in different groups can run in parallel.

    A lot of customers have a huge variety of different features they want. It’s literally impossible to have one firmware that fits everyone’s need. In the worst case, you can set every zone into ‘parallel’ group and create multiple programs to manage the zone running patterns manually.

    Also, I’ve seen quite a few customers who want to run more than 10 zones at the same time. I would absolutely NOT recommend doing this. The controller is NOT designed to run a lot of zones in parallel. It’s not a software issue, it’s more of a hardware limitation. The power adapter needs to withstand a huge amount of impulse current to open that many zones simultaneously. Also, the circuit cannot withstand that much current either. So while I understand there is such need, I wouldn’t go crazy on having too many zones open at the same time. If you really need to do that, you should use an external relay, which can withstand a huge amount of current.

    in reply to: Firmware 2.2.0(1) official released #76260


    It shouldn’t take that long. It should be under 1 minute.

    You can replace the LCD yourself. Go to
    scroll down to “My controller’s LCD went bad. How can I get it replaced?” there are instructions there.

    once your LCD is working, when you power on you can check the firmware version displayed on the LCD. If it says 2.2.0(2) then it means the update is successful. If it’s still showing the old firmware, you can file a support ticket and arrange for it to be sent back to us so we can update the firmware for you.

    in reply to: Flow Meter Logging #76208


    I honestly have no time to work on this. During the pandemic we lost all employees, and I have a new born baby, so life is busier than ever before. The entire project is open-source. If you can, you could find a programmer to help you implement any new feature you want.

    in reply to: driving motorized ball valves #76192


    US Solid make a variety of motorized ball valves. Some of them are AC/DC auto-return 2-wire type, which can be directly used with OpenSprinkler.


    Sorry, I think I misunderstood your question. Well, you can see each part of the calculation from this article, which explains how Zimmerman algorithm works:
    the ‘Summary of formula’ under Zimmerman method shows the sub formula for each of temperature, humidity, and precipitation.


    You can check this information in System Diagnosis. At the homepage, swipe left to right to open the side menu, then ‘System Diagnostics’. It will show the weather data used for calculating watering percentage.

    in reply to: 433mhz rf code transformation #76163


    How did you capture the code? Using Arduino?

    in reply to: Pausing With Sensor #76143


    5V is the highest that can be tolerated on the sensor pin. Normally it should be 3.3V but the hardware has current limiting resistor and zener diode on the sensor pin to clamp the voltage to 3.3V.

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