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  • in reply to: Just lost UI and app access #49326


    SOLVED, well partly, it was a noisy 12V power supply in another part of the house causing interference and the power line adapters connecting the controller to the router would not connect. So with that part solved can anyone suggest if I should upgrade the firmware, I am currently on 2.1.2?

    in reply to: Log, Month Graph, shows into the future? #35511


    I believe I found out what was causing all the havoc. When I updated to 2.1.2 I imported my configuration file from 2.1.1, that may be what was causing all the errors.

    I first tried to default the controller, that didn’t help so I re-installed 2.1.2. Then manually added all the settings and programs. It all seems to be ALMOST ok, time is correct, weather correction percentage is working. The log still shows that there were operations that occurred in months that have not been yet, (see first picture in this thread).

    in reply to: Log, Month Graph, shows into the future? #35505


    San Bernardino, California  92410

    in reply to: Log, Month Graph, shows into the future? #35501


    Weather diagnostics shows current conditions and 42% watering.

    Wow, one thing leads to another. I do not have it in manual, My weather station history shows temperature variation and rain for several days when the water percentage was stuck at 42%. I just changed it to manual and put 50% in the box, saved it, then put it back to automatic. The percentage in the box is greyed out but stayed at 50%. I rechecked the location and it is correct for where I live but funny thing I noticed the time is 3 hours ahead, whats with that? location, time zone is correct, NTP sync is checked, but time is wrong.

    in reply to: Log, Month Graph, shows into the future? #35492


    Does it make sense that it would be a steady 42% percent since the 20th? I am using wunderground / zimmerman. I think it was about then that I put the last firmware on it.

    in reply to: Log, Month Graph, shows into the future? #35486


    In the last picture I posted, “graph”, there is a straight blue line running left to right at 17 minutes, what is that telling me?

    in reply to: Log, Month Graph, shows into the future? #35483


    I’m not sure exactly what you wanted to see, I hope this helps.




    in reply to: Log, Month Graph, shows into the future? #35475


    in reply to: No log entries after 2.2.1 firmware update from 2.1.0 #35060


    I noticed the same thing, the logging button was unchecked after 2.1.1. What I found interesting was using the IPhone app I was able to check the button, then update, but when I went back to the same screen it wasn’t checked. I had to use the web interface to make the check “stick”. Maybe a bug?

    in reply to: WUnderground diagnostics #34967


    I didn’t see the option, checking now.


    I was sure I had tried the “advanced” tab before, never saw it. A much easier way to set it.

    in reply to: WUnderground diagnostics #34964


    At the controller I change the http port, default is 80. The “+” button runs it to 255 then stops.

    in reply to: WUnderground diagnostics #34954


    Thanks Ray, I downloaded it a few days back, works great. Is the port limit to 255 a hardware issue?

    in reply to: Announcing OpenSprinkler (not OSPi!) Firmware 2.1.1 #34914


    OK, I must be blind, where is 2.1.1 hiding?

    Geez, too much avr burner, was looking for a .bin. I forgot this uses the uploader

    in reply to: My housing and installation #34676


    The box is purpose made from 1/8 luan plywood, polyester resin brushed on to fill grain then Krylon. The door is a piece of Plexiglas, The “pocket” under the controller is hiding the excess wires. The valve control wires escape through the wall behind it.

    in reply to: WUnderground diagnostics #34600


    For anyone following this thread;

    The problem reoccurred because I was using a port other than “80” so the weather data could not be downloaded properly. There is another thread discussing this. Ray found a bug and is working on a firmware fix.

    in reply to: Wrong Time after DST Change #34599



    Thanks for hanging in there with me to figure this out. The issue wasn’t a big deal since I could have manually set the time, but you took my issue seriously and came up with the solution. I’ll be watching for the update.


    in reply to: Wrong Time after DST Change #34590


    That was it! I set it to port 80 and the NTP set the clock correct to my zip code.

    I did do a reset and the port defaults to 80, but then I reset the port to 90 to access the menu through the web interface. I wanted to use a port that isn’t so obvious.

    This also explains why my Wunderground wasn’t making the expected adjustments and sometimes coming up blank.

    Is there a chance this will be fixed in future updates?

    in reply to: Wrong Time after DST Change #34568


    I originally had the controller out in the garage using a network extender, but have moved it into the office connected directly to the router for these tests. It hasn’t made any difference.

    in reply to: Wrong Time after DST Change #34566



    in reply to: Wrong Time after DST Change #34561


    It seems to be something like the OpenSprinkler can’t get the complete query for the time zone.

    Here’s an interesting test, I set the location to Boston, and the time zone to +14:00, unplugged the network from the controller and booted it. It timed out looking for NTP sync. and displayed the time as 00:00 Sun 01-01. Then I powered the controller off and connected the network cable and turned it on, It went through NTP query fast and displayed the time as 15:58 Wed 11-10. I power cycled it again and it came up with 15:59 Mon 11-10. Another power cycle got  the same 15:59 Mon 11-10. All the time the time zone stayed at +14:00

    in reply to: Wrong Time after DST Change #34556


    “The time zone is never hard-coded in the firmware — it’s stored as an option which you can change (although normally you shouldn’t need to because it’s automatically changed based on the time zone query.”

    I don’t think this is accurate. I removed the controller battery, fl;ash card and network connection. I then did a “reset all”. I went into the menu at the controller and the time zone read -4:00. The menu had NTP “on” . The controller could  not access the internet or even the local network so this time zone must be part of the code. At this point the time read 00:00 and date was 01 – 01

    Next I connected the internet and power cycled the controller. The time and date refreshed and the time was correct for Boston, the time zone had changed to -5:00. This confirms the NTP was able to get the correct time.

    Next using the web interface I changed the location to Honolulu Hawaii, and power cycled the controller. I checked the web interface and the location had changed to Hawaii, but the time zone was still -5:00, Hawaii is -10:00.

    You said the time zone is automatically changed with the query, but it only worked on the Boston MA which I didn’t query. Now I can change the query but the time zone does not change.

    If I now change the time zone to -12:00 but leave the location as Boston MA, the NTP does not change the time zone back to -5:00, power cycling the controller does not help.

    in reply to: Wrong Time after DST Change #34540


    I am going through a Linksys 8 port switch > WRT54G router > modem, is it possible one of those is blocking the NTP?

    in reply to: Wrong Time after DST Change #34537


    The controller shows as the NTP IP address, is this correct? Is there a different server I can use?

    in reply to: Wrong Time after DST Change #34536


    I did a system reset at the controller. It came up with time zone -5:00, using the web interface, the location was Boston MA. A google query showed the time on the controller correct for Boston MA.

    I don’t believe it is getting the NTP sync but instead reading the correct time from the time zone. I suspect the time zone of -5:00 is coded into the firmware and since we are not in DST it reads the correct time for Boston regardless of it getting NTP. If I change the time zone to -8:00 it doesn’t read Boston time anymore, instead it reads Boston time -3 hours.

    When the controller boots up it has NTP syncing on the screen for 1 minute, then it goes away is this the request timing out?

    in reply to: Wrong Time after DST Change #34531


    I did do a reset last night and it came up with Boston, but I didn’t look at the time shown, The time zone was -5:00 (I think).  I am sure NTP sync is not working since I can input any location and the shown time remains the same. I have done all the time setting testing with no stations running. I really don’t want to use manually set time zone, I like the accuracy and no maintenance (DST), of NTP.

    I can reload the firmware but I would think it strange that NTP would be the only thing affected in a glitch.

    I will be gone until this evening so won’t be able to test anything.

    Thanks for all the help, I hope we can get it figured out.

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