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MikeParticipantThat makes sense. My suggestion would be to not use an Arduino at all. You’ve already got a Pi in the system. From your description it sounds like the Pi can do all of the functions that the Arduino would do – in addition to controlling the OS. If you eliminate the Arduino, you’ll have a simpler hardware (and likely software as well) setup. I’d eliminate the Arduino and then write the code to monitor the pressure and take the desired actions all from the Pi itself. I’m thinking the code would be independent of the OS code. If your pressure isn’t where you want it to be, you use the API to turn off the running programs and maybe you also need the relay to shut off the pump. The relay can be controlled by the Pi.
MikeParticipantI’m not a hardware expert, but I’d start with looking at the fuse (if there is one) and then looking for any visibly damaged components.
MikeParticipantWhat do you want to do with the pressure data you get from the creek pump? You might be able to have the Arduino make API calls to the unified firmware.
May 7, 2018 at 12:26 pm in reply to: Low Pressure ( no pressure ! ) system – What's the best valve to use ? #49847
MikeParticipantCould you pressurize it with a pump?
MikeParticipantNot sure if you have an OpenSprinkler product today or not. If you don’t it might be easier to just get an OSBee
May 3, 2018 at 7:43 am in reply to: Troubleshooting help: One valve doesn't trigger the first time #49799
MikeParticipantHi Jeff,
The first thing I’d do is to try to narrow the problem down to the valve and its wiring or the OpenSprinkler. The way I’d do that is to swap the wiring for the lawn valve to a different spot on the OpenSprinkler and then try to turn the lawn valve on and then the other valve that you swapped it with. If the problem follows the lawn valve, you might have a valve in need of replacement or a problem with the wiring to the lawn valve. If the problem stays with the lawn valve’s original spot on the OpenSprinkler, you might have a problem with the OpenSprinkler.
MikeParticipantHi Catalin,
If you disconnect all of the wiring for all of your valves from the OS, what voltage measurements do you get at each of the 8 stations when they’re off and again when they’re on? Something like the table below. It’s not clear to me from what you’ve described above if you’ve tried that or not. It could help you narrow the problem down to your wiring/valves or the OS itself.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Off VAC 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 On VAC 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 24
MikeParticipantVik – I’m not an expert, but I believe that switched mode power supplies output DC. You should be able to test your power supply with your meter to determine if it is outputting AC or DC.
The new power supply looks like it should work. It has 24V AC output at 750mA. The one Ray sells here is 24V AC at 500mA so your is capable of supporting a higher current load.
MikeParticipantHi Vik,
I’m not sure why that would be happening but I do have one other suggestion to definitively narrow the problem down to the OSPi. Perhaps you’ve done this already, but do those voltage measurements stay the same with all of your valve wiring disconnected from the OSPi? If they do, it would completely eliminate the valves and wiring as the source of the problem. At that point you’ll have pretty much reached the extent of my ability to help but perhaps someone else will be able to chime in.
MikeParticipantHi Vik,
A couple of basic questions come to mind: What kind of valves are you using? Does the voltage to the valves turn off when you stop the stations? How are the valves wired up?
A picture of your setup might help.Mike
MikeParticipantAssuming that the OSBo and the OSPi use the same connector, the parts list I found here indicates it is a “2EDGE 5.08 x 2p” connector. If you search for that part, does it look correct?
MikeParticipantIf you’ve still got it, you could use the connector off of the old power supply. Cut the connector off of both the new power supply and the old power supply. Solder the old connector on to the new power supply.
MikeParticipantHi Ben,
Why use a controller and valves when you want it on all the time? Just hook up to your water supply directly. Unless I’m missing something – and in that case, please explain more clearly what your objective is.
MikeParticipantHi BigSharpie,
Yes this can work, but I think you’ll need to write your own script to trigger the zone when the motion sensor is activated. In principle it’s no different than what gt244 wanted to do in this thread Once you’re able to detect the motion sensor being triggered then you just make an http get request to turn on the OpenSprinkler program that you want to run.
The lines of code in my Python script that turn on the irrigation look like this:
import requests <snip> if min(SoilMoistureReadings) < WateringThreshold: #Manually start an OpenSprinkler program r = requests.get('' + MD5_PW + '&pid=' + pid + '&uwt=' + uwt)
You’ll need to substitute your own values in – like the IP address of your OS. Does this help?
MikeParticipantIf you’re starting a program, take a look at section 12. Manually Start a Program. That’s the same way I’m doing it.
MikeParticipantI upload soil moisture readings to ThingSpeak and use the readings to start a zone on my OS. I included the command to start the irrigation in the Python script that uploads the readings to my ThingSpeak account. The OS API covers how to use the commands. Since I don’t want to miss an irrigation cycle if my internet connection is lost, I make sure to start watering even if the upload to ThingSpeak fails.
MikeParticipantI don’t have an OSBee or your valves but couldn’t you just reverse the wiring to the valve to reverse the polarity?
MikeParticipantIf you got the OpenSprinkler 3.0 DC version, it is advertised as being able to operate 24v AC valves. Have you tried it with your valves?
November 1, 2017 at 12:26 pm in reply to: OS3 Reboots Randomly and eventually View logs fails and reboots. #48184
MikeParticipantJust a thought – could it be a power problem? Maybe the OS3 is losing power for some reason?
MikeParticipantWhy not read the output voltage with a device containing an ADC (an arduino for example) and have that device control the station through the OS API? I would think it quite possible to have an arduino or some other device read the output of your sensor and then send the HTTP commands to the OS to manipulate the station/program.
MikeParticipantYou could also use a wireless motion detector with a relay in the receiver. Maybe not exactly this unit, but something similar.
MikeParticipantWhat about something like the diagram attached? You could use a 24vac motion sensor like this one and also wire in a common household light switch. You’d have to turn the light switch off at night, and then have a program that activated the station all night long. In the morning, turn the switch back on and resume your normal watering.
MikeParticipantCouldn’t you set up a master OS/OSPi/OSDC and then make each of the valves on OSBee a remote station? See this thread Then you can use the ‘sequential’ option on all of your remote stations to make sure that only one runs at a time.
MikeParticipantTo create a support ticket, click on the support link along the top of this page. Then click the create new ticket link on the top of the page that comes up.
What are you using for a power supply? You first picture doesn’t show one hooked up and the second picture shows wires in the power supply connection but you don’t mention what you’re using in the post.
You need a 24v AC power supply. The output on the terminals you’re measuring should be AC as well. What does the output from your power supply measure?