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  • in reply to: Announcing OpenSprinkler Unified Firmware 2.1.7 #45475


    Added new option to enable/disable special station auto-refresh. For example, if you use RF station and do not want the controller to periodically send refresh signals to keep the RF station in sync, you can leave this option disabled.
    Where this option can be found? I find it very useful when using RF switches and I was about to request it 🙂

    in reply to: Voltage but no current #44297


    Connected this sprinkler solenoid to a different zone and it works as it should – solenoid turns on.

    When you did the test with a different zone, you used same wires from the solenoid to the controller?
    If answer yes: I don’t have enough knowledge to answer.
    If answer no: The wires between controller to solenoid are shot, I had a similar case and I tested like you did but I tested also the wires and turn out to be the wires I had to re-route.


    AFAIK the controller has 8 physical stations (corresponding to the 8 wire connections) but you can enable another 8 (up to 24 iirc) “logical” stations which you can use as RF stations without using the physical ones.
    Regarding the question about programming independently, depends on your lights, but in principle you define each light on a station and you can program them independently.

    I hope I understood correctly your questions.

    in reply to: My goal using the rain barrel when it has water left #42554


    Sounds like you need an input to OpenSprinkler in order to tell if you run out of water to stop watering.
    I think you can use rain sensor input of OS for this idea to avoid modifications of the OS software.


    Ordered one even if I don’t have a garage yet 🙂

    Thank you.

    in reply to: Raspberry pi 3? #41693


    I got one but I can’t answer to these questions 100%.

    Here are some benchmarks:

    And here is the benchmarks about power:
    RPI 3 - Power consumption

    in reply to: Wanted: OpenThermostat #40474


    Winter is coming 🙂 … any chances to have it for this winter?

    in reply to: Maximum wire length to sprinkler valve #40473


    Best way, just test it and see exactly if is working or not.
    I used under par wires for not very long distances and they are still working after more than 6 months.

    in reply to: Wanted: OpenThermostat #40324


    +1 … I was thinking to post a similar request 🙂
    I’m delaying to buy a thermostat, if you announce OpenThermostat I will be on the pre-order list.

    in reply to: landscape lights is it possible (simplified) #38355


    I went the easy path. I kept mains voltage for the lights and used Radio Frequency controlled switches and plugs to turn them on or off in parallel with the mains switches/plugs. For me this route was simplest and fastest but I think is most expensive too because you have to buy the extra receivers.
    Ray has a blog post about this which it covers many aspects.

    in reply to: Wiring garage door opener as well as 24V relays #37963


    Iirc the previous versions of OS has a relay already installed, meant for controlling a garage door. Also Ray has a post about different types of relays for OS, look into that. Starting the types of relays and depending on what systems you have you might have a solution.

    in reply to: Wiring garage door opener as well as 24V relays #37957


    Travis: Regarding 2) 24V Relays to interupt lights or power outlets of my choosing I went through RF bulb sockets and RF power outlets. No wires, no relays, just follow Ray’s video tutorial and everything would be easy. I have 2 exterior lights which are turning on at sunset and turning off at sunrise, 2,5W LED enough to light entrance and back terrace whole night.
    On the garage door I wouldn’t go RF route because of security implications.

    in reply to: Announcing OpenSprinkler Unified Firmware 2.1.4 #37956


    @Samer: Yes, after testing the case A for a couple of days I can confirm that issues appears only in preview program. The operation of the controller is correct.
    I will have a look at the beta version.

    Thank you!

    in reply to: Announcing OpenSprinkler Unified Firmware 2.1.4 #37842


    Tonight I retested Case A) and it scheduled correctly 9 hours starting 20:40 which supposedly turn them off at 5:40 but in preview program shows will be running up to 11:40.

    in reply to: Announcing OpenSprinkler Unified Firmware 2.1.4 #37830


    @Ray: I don’t think that is the issue, I managed to test case B last night and it worked same as case A. So it started at around 20:40 and it was supposed to end around 5:40am, but it didn’t, it was scheduled to run for about 14 hours in both cases even if the preview was displaying correctly.

    Sunrise hour is working great with another program of sprinkler where I set up to start it at Sunrise +1h and it is working for a week correctly.

    My guess is this: When the schedule is computed to run between 20:40 and 5:40 means about 9h so when it starts it adds some values from the next day cycle because is going to next day. So 9h + 3 hours and 20 minutes from the next day evening. Just a guess.

    in reply to: Announcing OpenSprinkler Unified Firmware 2.1.4 #37795


    Sorry, I have corrected, Case B) is “Start Time”=”Sunset” and the “Station”=”Sunrise to Sunset ”

    in reply to: adjusting output voltage #37766


    Lack of water in the pipes could increase the noise of the valves? Acting like a flute effect?
    Pipes being under water pressure now could become a lot more sturdy and reduce the vibration?

    in reply to: Announcing OpenSprinkler Unified Firmware 2.1.4 #37765


    I have some issues with Sunset-Sunrise programs.
    I have 2 zones with RF lights sockets for the night, I want to turn them on at sunset and off at sunrise.
    Case A) Correct set up values – wrong schedule (imho)
    If I set the program “Start Time”=”Sunset” and the “Station”=”Sunset to Sunrise” the preview shows me it starts correctly (20:30) but it ends after 14:51:17 hours, basically like a wrong sunrise time (supposed 5:45). I waited a day to test it to void the preview script and it started at the correct hour but it showed that is scheduled to run 14:51:17 hours (confirmed through logging).
    Case B) Wrong set up values – correct preview – not tested yet
    If I set the program “Start Time”=”Sunset” and the “Station”=”Sunrise to Sunset ” I get a correct preview which I did not test yet because I thought this is kind of wrong because of the Station’s value “Sunrise to Sunset”

    I can provide direct access if need it.

    in reply to: Where do you buy 24vac transformers in Europe? #37632


    Ray you are pretty much right, I thought to that when I ordered mine, the problem is that 110V to 24V AC transformer weights at least twice as much as the controller itself and could easily double the price of shipping from US to EU. This was my reason not to go that route.

    in reply to: Where do you buy 24vac transformers in Europe? #37564


    Which systems are European? 🙂 All the ones I know are US 🙂
    I was also surprised how hard is to find such things.

    in reply to: I'm thinking Mr. Zimmerman didn't live where I live #37562


    +1 from Romania,

    In the first week when I installed OS it didn’t water at all (based on logs) because high humidity (normal in that region) and few drops of rain (under 1mm 🙁 ) I had to disable Zimmerman in order to provide watering to my flowers or they were started to show effects of low watering. Since than I do the watering manual every day.

    in reply to: Where do you buy 24vac transformers in Europe? #37558


    I had same issue, the seller from where I bought the RainBird system didn’t have transformers, I checked other sellers of other irrigation systems and I could find from Orbit the cheapest but it was still around 30-50$.
    I bought an used one from Hozelock brand, wall outlet “pluggable”, which is a brand for residential garden and pools systems and paid about 20$.


    I was disappointing by the local contractors for installation of the sprinkler system and decided to do it myself even if I don’t have any experience in water systems.

    The electric part and OpenSprinkler was by far the easiest and most fun and rewarding. I went with RainBird for sprinklers , fittings and drip system (i have a mix of sprays and drip) and HDPE piping 1″/32mm and I got a free design of the plan by the company from where I bought the RainBird products.

    It is fun and rewarding, make sure you do a lot of reading before. I can share a lot of links from where I read about irrigation systems.

    in reply to: adjusting output voltage #36710


    I just finished my installation using 0.5mm wires (not sure AWG ratings), they are sold as alarm system wires, indeed the maximum distance between controller and the farthest valve in my case is only 15m (under 50 feet) and the valves are RainBird DV series 24VAC.

    Everything worked perfectly during the test phase, I will start a full irrigation program in a couple of weeks if you need more feedback.


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