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djagerifParticipantRay asked if you had a fixed or variable one, if you do have a variable one then you need additional components to make it work. The diagram you attached is for a fixed regulator.
djagerifParticipantThe zener and resistor is for clamping and will cause the fuse to blow if something goes wrong and output rises to more than 5v. Your design should use a fixed regulator as Ray stated, the design for a variable one is different, check the datasheet again.
djagerifParticipantTrue it’s from the stone age but it’s standards based and it works, it all depends on what you want to do once you have the data. Do you want to process it or do you want it preprocessed. Preprocessed data get’s complicated as everyone has their own flavour, standards based raw data can be processed afterwards to any format you need, the trick is in most cases you need to do it yourself.
djagerifParticipantI would suggest standard syslog.
djagerifParticipantYes, both the CPU and the Manage Plugins menu came back to life after a restart.
I tried the system_update plugin and it pulled the new one from github but unfortunately it didn’t update the CPU temperature and also my plugin dropdown only showed ‘Manage Plugins’. The only way to get it activated was to restart the interval program, a page refresh didn’t help either. Is this the only way or is there something else I could have tried?
djagerifParticipantI think that might be difficult as the Raspberry Pi can have multiple interfaces. In my case I use both Ethernet and USB Wireless connections and there is no way that I know of that OSPi can determine which one is used for OpenSprinkler traffic.
If you only use one interface it shouldn’t be too hard to get. What I did in a previous project was to search the routing table for the default gateway and which interface is associated to it. This gave me the ‘Main’ interface IP as the other was used for more specific stuff.
djagerifParticipantI’m guessing the arrow appears once every 60s? If that is the case it’s probably the connectivity routine checking your network. if it’s permanently on screen then there might be another problem.
Perhaps there isn’t enough power for the TP-Link device, try an external supply.
December 17, 2014 at 8:05 am in reply to: Best to go with the Rpi or the Open Sprinkler assembled version ? #35031
When you say:
large number of stations
What are we looking at here? I am trying to get a feel for how many stations/expansion boards you practically want to support.
Perhaps there should be a clear explanation on exactly how the Rain Sense/Rain Delay function works. From what I’ve seen is that while the Rain Sense input is active then it prevents any program from running. If you now set a 6H Rain Delay then this value counts down from 6 to 0 ONLY while the Rain Sense input is active. As soon as it ‘dries out’ then the 6H delay also cancels and the stations start to run again. I would have thought that the countdown would continue and only after 6H would stations be allowed to run again. That said, if it triggers before the Rain Delay timer expires it should probably reset back to the saved Rain Delay timer of 6H, right? OR I have it completely wrong 🙂
djagerifParticipantCould you please provide a link to the new firmware?
Oops, I just saw the link to the Help file so please ignore my previous question.
djagerifParticipantI built an expansion unit on my breadboard using a few LED’s and a 795 shift register. I also tested the Micro version and there it works correctly.
djagerifParticipantJust to add an idea. You can use another zone/valve to fill the pool and possibly the ADC to sense water-level for automatic filling.
October 29, 2014 at 3:33 pm in reply to: Which Blog to follow? or #34285
djagerifParticipantGreat. Rayshobby it is then.
djagerifParticipantWith the introduction of the new 2.2u kit I did some reading and it seems the guys in the Arduino world is also using the OptiBoot loader for the 1284 chip. I wonder if a future 2.2u kit might be offered as a ‘2.2u+’ using a 1284 chip?? Hint.. Hint..
I already have my budget set aside for one if it ever becomes a reality.
djagerifParticipantIt would be nice to just have a plug-an-play swapout so if your ever experiment with the 1284 bootloader then please send me a copy.
September 28, 2014 at 6:00 pm in reply to: OpenSprinkler Firmware 2.1.0-beta (Major Upgrade!) #28361
djagerifParticipantDHCP Release/Renew after MAC change?
September 28, 2014 at 5:20 pm in reply to: OpenSprinkler Firmware 2.1.0-beta (Major Upgrade!) #28359
djagerifParticipantI agree with the IP but am not entirely convinced about the device ID. When I connect OS I only want to select Import and it should restore all settings no matter what. If a DeviceID changes from 0 to 1 then it’s intended like that. Could I ask that if the Device ID changes that you also display a popup once a ‘Submit’ has been clicked. This will inform the user again that the change requires a reload before all changes will be activated AND the user still has the option to configure further changes or to reload to activate the new MAC address.
September 28, 2014 at 9:27 am in reply to: OpenSprinkler Firmware 2.1.0-beta (Major Upgrade!) #28357
djagerifParticipantLooking at a 2.0.9 backup file it seems the Device ID is backed up. If it’s actually used on an import in 2.0.10 is another story altogether…
In mine -> “devid”:1
On further investigation I think I found your problem. With a 2.0.9 Export, and when using DHCP, your config file exports your IP as ‘’ and DHCP as ‘1’. I think the Import procedure in 2.0.10 is broken because when I import the backup file then I get an IP of and DHCP set to ‘No’. The same goes for the GW IP. I did however confirm that 2.0.10 does set the Device ID to 1, in my case, so if the DHCP import setting is fixed then I am sure you won’t have any more problems.
Suggestion to Ray & Samer: When DHCP is set to ‘1’ and you export to a backup, please change the IP to ‘’ and also ignore the IP when importing. Another issue I found is that the NTP IP is also not exported if changed to a user specified IP. It might all be fixed in 2.0.10 but I am just highlighting the issues found in 2.0.9 that could still be an issue in 2.0.10.
September 20, 2014 at 9:48 pm in reply to: Direct HTTP commands, online User Manual and MAC Changes. #28311
djagerifParticipantYou are right, the V? commands are still working.
djagerifParticipantWhere is the ‘Like’ button…
I second that the controller must do whatever to accomplish the users request. Running 6 x 1H sessions to get to the users 1 x 6H schedule sounds like the best ‘User’ option. For a Techie looking at the logs it might look confusing so perhaps some added logging information should also be considered to tie the six watering sectors to one UI scheduled time.
djagerifParticipant+1 for a new OSPi B+ board.
djagerifParticipantFrom a similar POC integration project I’ve done a while ago OS can only be polled to get a status update. Because OS runs independently it can Open|Close valves but it does not inform any upstream neighbour of the action. There were a few requests to have OS keep open a TCP connection to and then send the valve state through that connection. A Browser would be a perfect candidate and using Reverse Ajax or Comet would be the solution but that is not my area of expertise, actually I am just a tinker and a Master of None 🙂
I eventually settled on a Poller model and polled OS to get valve states. The best would be to have OS send State updates via TCP. If the connection drops, either OS or the HA Master could request a full sync and then settle back to the Push model again.
djagerifParticipantWhen you ‘lose the connection’ just press button 1 on OpenSprinkler to see what the IP is. If the IP is still there then it could be something to do with your router. IP ARP entries on any router do timeout after a certain period but it should relearn it after the first packet is sent to the destination IP. The same goes for the MAC address.
If the IP is missing from OS then the problem is on that side.